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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Must4rd

  1. I have searched the forums but cant find the exact answer to my question. I have a mk2 galaxy. One of the runners has broken on my electric windows. I have taken everything out and now have the complete harnass on my kitchen table. Is the replacement regulator a complete unit excluding the motor. I understand this is only available from VW. How do I connect the motor to the regulator. Also is there a way of adjusting the tension to my existing regulator so I can get the cable to go round all the little plastic wheels. Thanks Must4rd
  2. it's still not working. It probably is that unit that you mention but i didnt want to spend
  3. Danny, I have also posted this problem in the ICE section, but I still havent got to the bottom of the problem. I too have taken it to a Ford dealer who after two hours and an attempted
  4. 5 amp fuse under the drivers seat! TIS lists it as 'P45 Fuse Holder 1, vehicle floor under RH front seat' Hope this is the one! Thanks for all of your replies. I cant seem to find the fuse can anyone post a photo of where it is and what it looks like please.
  5. I get no power in the multiplug to the vcr. The screens dont power up. It just has to be a fuse but I have pulled them all from the fuse box and there are no issues. I cant believe I could have blown the system.
  6. is your head unit still working Yup, I wonder if there is a fuse behind the head unit that has gone as I cant see any problems anywhere else.
  7. I have recently bought a Ford Galaxy 2.3 ghia on a 2002 plate. Whilst trying to spur a power cable from the vcr I have managed to short something. I get no response from the vcr and I think I must have blown a fuse but I cant find where it is. Please help me someone.
  8. My 2003 galaxy ghia has the multimedia option. Whilst trying to spur a power cable off this I seem to have shorted something. I am hoping a fuse has blown but for the life of me I cant seem to find which one. I have checked all of the fuses in the box, except the little ones that I cant get out. I have also checked under both seats and cant seem to find any fuses. Someone please help we aqre going on holiday on Saturday and it looks like the kids wont get any videos at this rate. Must4rd
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