Car broke down yesterday, dash lit up but when you tried to start the car....nothing. Checked if plug had come loose on the back of the starter motor but alas no. Rang the RAC, he got his tester on the starter motor, hit it with a hammer! and camr to the conclusion a new starter motor was needed. He popped off to the local motor factor and came with a replacement, fitted it , started the car and it was noisy as hell, a sort of squeeling noise like belts slipping. Took the starter off again and re-fitted but to no avail. Came to the conclusion that the starter was not disengaging, motor factors by this time was closed so he rang for a tow to a "recommended garage". He also said that he forgot to count the teeth on the gear on the starter motor so it could be that, but in his words "It should take no longer than an hour to solve". Rang the garage today and they said they think it is a transmission problem without looking at the car!!, I would personally say it was a starter problem as this only occured since the new starter was fitted! Am I being ripped off...!!??!!