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Everything posted by markchambers

  1. it's a strange one. On my fuel computer I have: Average fuel economy (this resets every 120mins of no driving or I can reset it manually) driving time (resets every 120mins of no driving or I can reset it manually) Average speed (resets every 120 mins of no driving or I can reset it manually) Miles covered (resets every 120 mins of no driving or I can reset it manually) Then on the 2nd section (ie if I quickly press the reset button on the wiper stalk) I have : Average fuel economy (resets when I reset it) driving time (resets when I reset it) Average speed (resets when I reset it) Miles covered (resets when I reset it) However on all the diesels I have seen and also the 2.3 auto I was out in there is also Instant fuel economy which gives you your mpg in real time. Surely this can be enabled with vagcom or other software
  2. Does anybody know if it's possible to enable the instant mpg on a 02 2.3 (manual) fuel computer, I recently went out in a 2.3 "auto" and that had instant mpg on the fuel computer. Just wondered if anybody new if it was possible with Vag-Com or any other software. It says in the handbook that the instant economy is not available on the 2.3 but it obviously is if its auto?
  3. As far as I am aware the only difference is the gear ratio's in the gearbox and possibly slight outer casing changes depending on what age gearbox you can get hold of. I'm not sure if the actual synchro's are different for each differently ratio'd box there possible identical for each box. You maybe better getting a second hand gearbox (out of a written off Gal) then swap it for yours. As for removing the gearbox it depends if you have access to a vehicle lift, air tools and finally your mechanical skills. With air tools and a ramp I can get the gearboxes out within a couple of hours and to refit the g/box you will take a little longer as you need to bleed the clutch fluid, fill the g/box with oil and things like that. Stripping the gearbox is a lot more technical, there are special tools involved and you will also need somewhere to do it as it can be a lengthy process, due to needing to order new clips and other parts etc. Its not a job I would want to take on myself at home thats for sure! just a thought though: A friend of mine needed a new gearbox for his astra not long ago and he got it changed by some company out of the back of the autotrader magazine, it cost him
  4. That's a bit extreme and expensive ;) Eatontoomanygalaxys - try some MOLYslip additive in the gear oil - you may get away with it for a while at least. Regards, Jeff. Thanks chaps. If I do have to have the box out has any body done it without removing the engine and box together. The haynes manual says you have to do it so as not to damage the pipeing etc. I have taken loads of gearboxes out of galaxy's and never had to remove the engine albeit on a ramp. This is why I know the synchro on 3rd/4th gear is knackered. It is not extreme at all, it is in fact the only fix to the problem, using moly slip in the gear oil won't make any difference because the damage to the synchro has already been done! (the cones inside the synchro wear which stops them gripping the synchro hub to slow down the gear when selecting 3rd & 4th gear) It is a well known problem with the MT75 gearbox, this also happens on Mondeo, Focus, Transit connect, Transit as they all share the same 5 speed gearbox (depending on which engine is fitted). Thanks Mark
  5. Sorry to tell you this but it's a common problem with the MT75 gearbox, it will need a gearbox strip down and replace 3rd/4th gear synchro possble require 3rd gear as well Sorry
  6. Sorry every one, not been on for a bit and I got a little p***ed of after reading h**p://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=9930 all about crap ford technicians etc, etc, etc, all I can say is thanks mumof4 for ending that thread as I was about to start ranting myself (my blood was close to boiling) and poor Tony copped for it (sorry mate). Anyway back on subject, You must have a few dealers to choose from in Manchester area, there's, Quicks, Evans Halshaw, Omc (Oldham and Rochdale) so if your not happy with one mate give another a go. You should be looking at around 1 hours labour to diagnose, then they will have to order the cluster no doubt (can't imagine them keeping one in stock but Ford parts Daventry should have one so it will arrive next day if ordered V.O.R (vehicle off road)), some dealers will charge you for programming the cluster up some won't, it's down to the manager really (they'll cover it in the diagnostic time). Hope this helps mate Thanks Mark
  7. Hi Tony, You need a new instrument cluster mate, it has an internal fault, though you will still have to go to a dealer for it to be programmed into the gal. Depending on when your gal was built you may still get warranty (or maybe a good will contribution from Fords, if it's not too far out of warranty and has been serviced at the correct times etc,etc,etc). I know this because I am a Ford master technician , can I also say to all the members on here please don't tar every one with the same brush, I can understand that some dealers may be s**t but others are extremey good. The same goes for technicians in dealers, there only human you know, some are better than others and believe me galaxys arn't the easiest vehicle to diagnose and work on. Sorry Tony if it seems I'm going on at you here (I'm not) just had a hard day today then came on here reading the latest posts and Ford dealers are getting it again. Mark
  8. Hi Dally, I can't find any wiring diagrams relating to the sat nav unit, but if you remove the unit and look at the multiplugs going into it, you should see one (usually in the middle of the three) with a single wire going to it (think it's purple) this is the speed sensor wire from the ecu (tells radio to turn volume up and down with road speed). The stalk wires fit into pins 1 & 2 of this multiplug which are on the lower half of the multiplug (from memory think the speed sensor wire is pin 6). I'll try find out some more info for you
  9. If you didn't live so far away from me mate, I'd gladly fit it for you. Only took about an hour to fit once I had sourced all the bits
  10. Hi mate, the flywheel would not cause a misfire, unfortunatly the dealer is telling you the truth, the two items are not related. All the dual mass flywheel does is smooth out the take up of drive and give you smoother gear changes, it reduces the shock on the gearbox when you put your foot down or change gear erraticly. it's like two flywheels held together by springs which lets it twist a little when under stress. It does not have anything to do with the injection sequence or firing order. Sounds like you may have a faulty injector or something along those lines. hope this helps
  11. Hi there everyone, Can I just say this site is awesome, you guys are really skilled and knowledgable. Anyway for those of you that are interested, I have just fitted a radio remote control to my 02 2.3 ghia gal. (isn't it stupid that there isn't one as standard unless you get the multifunction wheel). I used a focus remote and wired it in to my 6000 mp3 radio (although all original radio's should also be compatible). It was very easy to wire in, just printed the wiring diagram for focus and galaxy radio's off Tis then made up a loom out of old pc bits, I used a Hdd led wire to fit into the remote stalk (fits a dream) then used an old on/off switch from a pc and took out the pins from the bit that plugs on to motherboard, fitted these into back of radio as per wiring diagram. The hard bit is fitting the actual stalk to the bottom cowling, I had to modify the stalk so it would fit flush with the cowling (hacksawed the bit that fits into the column on the focus off) drilled a small hole into the stalk, drilled a hole in the cowling using a cone cutter and screwed the stalk on with a small self tapper. I will add some photo's in a bit of the finished product if anyone is interested ;) ;) :D
  12. Whats the part number of it? I've got one here with a part number of YM2J 12B655EA, if it's what you need make me an offer, I bought it a while ago along with the Visteon dvd player but never fitted them (sold dvd on ebay); instead installed a 8" overhead centurion system. Other numbers on it are "Software R7.01_8000"
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