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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Nige F

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    2.3 Ghia X 1997

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  1. Had this problem a while back. Spent ages adjusting freeing and messing with caliper. Turned out it was the cable seizing up. Easy replacement solved the problem
  2. The rear screen heater is working when it fels like it. Suspect it is the usual wiring problem.Anyone know what colour wires supply the screen so I can do a quick fix please. Car is a 97 Ghia x
  3. A cv joint can be got for around
  4. Had exactly the same happen other day. Topped the water up a little and it has been fine since.
  5. Have you checked the resitor pack (hedeghog).its mounted on near to glove box and is red in colour. The problems are well documented on here
  6. Have you tried the fuel pump relay. Well documented on here, its relay 30 in te fuse box and there are plenty of photos showing how to change it
  7. First cool morning and turned temprature up on climate control. Only got cold air blowing through.Switched aircon on and this made no difference. Have noticed the car running slighty hotter. Also if I run the aircon on cold and leave the setting on low, the display doesnot flash. If I increase the temp and leave it above 20 degrees, then the display flashes on start up
  8. Mine went and had to buy a new cv joint.
  9. Could it be the MAF sensor. Mine lost power under load, replaced this and all was fine
  10. Pipe has finally arrived today. Car booked in for fitting and regas tomorrow so hopefully a cool car by this time tomorrow. having a quiet bet that something else will be found to be wrong when it all gets fitted
  11. The repaired pipe was fitted yesterday. When it was all connected the pipe was found to have another hole in it!!!. The garage recommended not do another repair so now waiting for item from Ford, which are on back order or pay
  12. Have a look on Ebay they are about
  13. This part is currently on back order. There is no release date as yet. The Ford price is about
  14. Frogeye They quoted me
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