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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by camper

  1. Just taken my galaxy to a garage this morning to get the error codes read as the management light was on. Came back with the following. P0443 Evap Emission control system purge control circuit. Anyone had this go before? Error code suggests it it the unit, wiring loom or the ecu. Derek
  2. Yes brake lights are fine. The Management light has now gone off as well. Don't know if thats a good or bad sign. Derek
  3. I need ideas about why the management light is on. I have an 05 petrol 2.3l zetec galaxy. The management light will clear if you disconnect the battery but return within 50 miles of driving. It seems to be pulling as well as normal and showing no obvious signs of anything wrong. Before I shell out a load of dosh at a ford garage is there anything obvious I can check first? Thanks Derek PS sorry seems to be in the wrong forum :)
  4. I have a 2005 2.3 zetec. Just taken my headlights off as I expected to be able to adjust my lights as per the instructions above. However there is no adjustment lever !! Nor does there appear to be any other way of adjusting them From the outside they look the same as the instruction. Anyone any ideas. Do I just buy the beam benders and stick them on. Derek
  5. Does anyone know whether it is possible to disable the middle two rear parking sensors? I have a cycle rack bracket that attaches to the towbar but it is getting in the way of the beam from the parking sensors. Derek
  6. Has anyone tried to activate the built in dashboard trailer indicators using VAG COM on a MKII 2.3 Zetec? Mine does not seam to have a bulb failure device. Took loads of bulbs out and no dash lights came on. Derek
  7. thanks will have a look
  8. Not a Galaxy problem but our other car a Rover 100 has a serious problem. The engine just dies to nothing after a couple of miles. Chugging along in first at 5 miles an hour seems to upset other road users. My question is does anyone know of a forum (like this one) for a Rover 100 and is there an equivalent of VAG COM for a Rover.
  9. Do you have to have the registered version of Vag-com to make the adjustments? Camper
  10. Rllim What year is your Galaxy and is it a MK 1 or MK 2 Camper
  11. Just put a towbaron my 2005 2.3 Zetec. Can you wire the electrics straight into the wiring loom ? Cannot remebr if it has any electric gismos that need to be by passed. Derek
  12. Heres a photo of the clips that hold the wrap around part of the bumper to the bodywork. You need to give the bumper quite a hard tug to get it past the large clip.
  13. Sorted There is a big clip at the end of the wrap around of the rear bumper. Need to plull it hard to get it off. I took a phot of it and will post as soon as my camera batteries are recharged. Thanks for all the help. :16:
  14. Thanks for that Mumof 4 However my problem is I cannot move the bumper away from the bodwork as per the images right handside 2nd one down and it will not move back. Do I have to be more brutal with it to get it away from the bodywork? Is there a clip behind the bumper?
  15. Hello everyone. My first post although i have being hanging around here for a while. I have looked at the various threads on removing a MK II Galaxy bumper but mine still will not come off. I have removed the 3 screws in each wheel arch, removed the cover under the light cluster and removed the screw. I have also removed the four nuts holding the inside of the bumper to the bodywork but the bumper will not come off. My main problem seems to be the part that goes down the sides of the car. This does not seem to come away from the body work. On the MK I the bumper was held in a track at the side. Is this the same on the MK II ? Any help greatly appreciated
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