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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Graham Smith

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About Graham Smith

  • Birthday 04/13/1968

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    Ford Galaxy
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  1. Just been for a spin round the block, and there appears to be something going on with the clutch on our 04 plate Galaxy 1.9 TDi. The clutch has been fine up to now, but it now goes virtually to the floor with no resistance. It's virtually impossible to get into first or reverse gears, but if you persevere, you can get it into second. I don't think the clutch has gone, as I haven't noticed any signs of slipping, so what should I be looking at first? Any help gratefully received.
  2. I want to fit a GPS receiver into our 2004 Ford Galaxy, and have seen a couple available. The first one is the normal one that was fitted into the Galaxy at the Factory as follows
  3. I've just replaced my glow plug. Do you reckon the new one could be at fault?
  4. Started the car up again this morning, and it's still like Del Boy and Rodney's van - clouds of smoke everywhere! We used the car yesterday, so I don't think it's going to get better with use. Another three of questions if someone would be so kind... 1. What and where is the metering pump, and is this something that could be causing the smoke? 2. How would I go about bypassing the temperature sensor so I can run the car for as long as it takes to clear the unburnt fuel. 3. If I just want to switch the b****y thing off, so we're not the laughing stock of the village every time we take the car out, what's the best way of doing this? All help much appreciated.
  5. Our auxillary heater packed up last week, with clouds of white smoke billowing out from under the car. My wife to it to the local Ford dealer and they plugged their laptop into the car and switched it off. I decided to have a go at sorting it myself, as they wanted
  6. So if I buy a 'cheapie' VAG COM thing from ebay, what sort of things won't the software do in comparison to the full-blown version that costs about
  7. But presumably, the cable off that ebay auction you pointed me to is OK, then hopefully I'll be able to 'mump' the full-blown software from somewhere? Is this right, or does it mean that if I only the limited software, then that cable will only be good for the limited software? Regards
  8. But presumably, the cable off that ebay auction you pointed me to is OK, then hopefully I'll be able to 'mump' the full-blown software from somewhere? Is this right, or does it mean that if I only the limited software, then that cable will only be good for the limited software? Regards
  9. I'm keen to get a lead for VAG COM and the relevant software. I've looked on eBay, and there's obviously a lot of people selling the required items, but there's so many I'm a bit confused! On the first one I looked at http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VAG-Diagnostic-Tool-...1QQcmdZViewItem This guy's selling one for
  10. Our Galaxy (2004 Ghia) was bellowing out smoke from around the back of the car and it smelt 'diesely' if that makes any sense. My missus took it to the local Ford dealership, and they've told here that the diesel plug that goes to a heater unit around the back seat area has become faulty and it'll need to be changed. They've unplugged it, so we no longer get the clouds of smoke. They've said it'll cost about
  11. We have a 2004 TDi Galaxy 130bhp Ghia. That we bought last year It's got all the extras (DVD Player, leather seats, climate control etc etc), but the one thing that is missing is the factory fitted sat nav. In a shop locally they have for sale a second-hand genuine MFD Sat Nav Unit, and they've told me the following. If I remove the radio (which I think is a 6006E) and get a new part for the dash, this Sat Nav Unit will fit straight in. The only problem is, the CD is in our existing radio. Again, they've told me that I can get an auto changer which will fit into the driver's side boot cubby hole (I've checked, and there is a multi-plug there that looks like a CD sort of thing). They said that they'd also throw in a sat nav antenna - what should I be looking out for? Does that car already have one built in? If you have any experience about this, I'd appreciate any advice. Cheers Graham
  12. Has anyone tried it? If so, did you need to do any modifications? Graham
  13. Does anyone know it's possible to fit a replacement steering wheel to my Galaxy? We have a standard 'ordinary' type steering wheel fitted, but I'd love to get a mult-function one, so that we can control the radio etc directly from the wheel. I'm sure I've read somewhere that you can't have one of these multifunction steering wheels if you've got cruise control, but I can't find or remember where I read it? I had a look on eBay to see if anyone's selling one of these steering wheels, but no luck as yet! If I were to find one, would fitting it (ie, finding all the connectors), be straight forward? Thanking you in anticipation...
  14. I've now finished the job, and as you said, I had to grab wires from both sides of the car. The sidelights, indicators and stop lights all came from the obvious place at the back of the blub connector. The boot scuff plate was a bitch to get up, but surprisingly enough, I managed to get it up without breaking any of the clips that hold it in place. To get wires from one side of the car to ther other, I threaded them through the box section of chassis that is underneath the scuff plate. Now, the tricky bit was to find the fog and reversing light. After speaking to someone else who uses this forum, iit appears you have to remove the offside rear seat belt, then the cover that underneath (be carful not to break the six clips that hold this cover in place). Under here, you should find all the wires required. I can't remember exactly what they were, but from memory, I think they were grey/white - fog black/blue - reverse (or could be the other way round!) Hope this helps. Graham
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