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Everything posted by Strawdog

  1. I too have a cloned car. Fuel Gauge Problem - Stealers fixed it twice at four years old, still not working I give up on it and have learnt to keep tank topped up. ;) Slipping Auto Box - at 47K miles/4 years old, cost me
  2. Long time since I been on but now have need again. I have a 2001 1.9tdi Zetec auto. Its beginning to play up when starting. Sometimes wont start in P then have to move to N and it then starts. It appears to be geting worse as time goes on. I have read threads which point to problem with Inhibitor Switch under gear shift as the likely cause. Problem is I cant see how to access it easily. THERE IS NO SMALL SCREW AT THE TOP WHICH IS SUPPOSED TO ALLOW GEAR LEVER OFF. :lol: Does anyone have any idea how to access the switch and how to remove gear lever etc? (See photo of lever) Also, in one thread it mentioned a problem with Inhibitor Switch IN GEARBOX as problem, are there two switches and if so which is likely to be culprit? Thanks for any help.
  3. Thanks NikpV. Ah see your problem, Im on other side of table from you on parents nights. I sympathise with you. (but then again maybe not, it is after all getting near end of term and those long sunny holidays) :blink: Your last pic I presume shows the topup point. Is that a view from above the engine looking down? I can see a small RED cap mounted above gearbox on what looks like a black vertical sump pan, facing towards front of car, just behind fan and surrounded by wiring loom. My plan of attack is.... 1. Warm up gearbox (short spin round block) 2. Use 5mm allen key to losen/ remove small bolt indicated in your first pic. 3. Oil drips out, tigthen up again, as all is OK. 4. No oil drips out, remove RED cap and plug as in second pic. 5 Fill with atf (getting tomorrow, 1 litre), until oil drips out of bottom. 6. Replace oil level bolt and topup plug. 7. Take for gentle drive. (Just to confirm - the check point/plug is the small 5mm allen bolt? What the big nut close by, a drain?) Any tips greatly appreciated. This is a pic from above. RED cap in middle. I presume this is the one Im after? Ta
  4. HAYNES better watch out. Excellent piece of work but I hope you wont be offended if I say "I hope I never have to follow these instructions", you know what I mean. :blink:
  5. NP NikpV For a parents evening myself next week. Anyhow going to watch a bit of footie at moment, then tackle the GAL after. Look forward to hearing from you. Strawdog :blink:
  6. Hi all I want to check atf level in my gear box (2002 zetec 115 bhp auto 5 speed). My gear box looks like this (see attachment). According to NIKPV the arrow point to level check. Its a 5mm allen key, if I release it and oil comes out, then its OK - RIGHT. If not I need to top up. Anyone know wheres the top up inlet? Thanks again in advance. Strawdog Incase i cant attach image heres the link that shows my auto box - NikpV image 7 posts down. Here
  7. Thanks for info. Going to look at atf level this weekend and top up. At least this is cheapest option at moment. Anyone any idea what the atf spec is for my 2002 zetec 1.9tdi 115 bhp. If this doesnt work, Im snookered. Ta all for info.
  8. Biggydaddy - if discs are slipping, why does it not happen in lower gears especially when more torque is required to get car up to speed? Nikpv - I have 47K miles and dont tow. Zeplin - no havent topped up or changed atf. Any more info you can provide much appreciated. Thanks for quick response. Strawdog
  9. Hi All Have done a quick search on forum and found a member with similar problem but there appears to be no replies. Anyone any idea whats going on with my Auto Box, it appears to be slipping (reving out) when in 4 or 5 gear, similar to a slipping clutch in a manual. Means I cant get up to speed, only very slowly. Any help appreciated. Ta Worried Galaxy Owner (2002 ZETEC TDi, 115bhp,5 speed,) :P PS Have tried disconnecting battery as someone suggested reset brain
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