Thanks NikpV. Ah see your problem, Im on other side of table from you on parents nights. I sympathise with you. (but then again maybe not, it is after all getting near end of term and those long sunny holidays) :blink: Your last pic I presume shows the topup point. Is that a view from above the engine looking down? I can see a small RED cap mounted above gearbox on what looks like a black vertical sump pan, facing towards front of car, just behind fan and surrounded by wiring loom. My plan of attack is.... 1. Warm up gearbox (short spin round block) 2. Use 5mm allen key to losen/ remove small bolt indicated in your first pic. 3. Oil drips out, tigthen up again, as all is OK. 4. No oil drips out, remove RED cap and plug as in second pic. 5 Fill with atf (getting tomorrow, 1 litre), until oil drips out of bottom. 6. Replace oil level bolt and topup plug. 7. Take for gentle drive. (Just to confirm - the check point/plug is the small 5mm allen bolt? What the big nut close by, a drain?) Any tips greatly appreciated. This is a pic from above. RED cap in middle. I presume this is the one Im after? Ta