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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by chrisfoulds

  1. Ok follow up on this, took it to the ford garage and like me could not detect any drain. But we then got talking and the mechanic had a theory based on previous cars that have had similar issues. Bluetooth - the bluetooth module in the car remains on as long as your phone is still connected, I park at the side of the house and the phone will often be within connection range. So we disabled bluetooth and in two weeks and counting not had an issue and I wasn't going more than a week or so recently, this is no drain even with all the snow, ice etc. so fingers crossed it is this. BTW. I did test the theory, connected phone to car, opened bonnet, turned car off, left phone in range and left car for 45 mins. Drain was at 0.4 !!!
  2. Extra info, it's a titanium X model 1.6 TDi with start/stop.
  3. Wondering if you guys could help figure something out the garage can't. My 2013 Galaxy randomly has complete battery drain, this can be anywhere between 2 days and 3-4 months and is regardless of the amount of use. Latest incident was this morning it was completely flat, yet did 80 miles yesterday and the start/stop was even kicking in indicating the battery was good. I have had the battery tested, all good, replaced the battery even - still happens. I have had it sit in the garage for two days with a amp clamp, no real drain. I am convinced it might be something getting 'stuck on' occasionally after turning it off and locking up like a relay or something but have no idea where to start. Any pointers appreciated.
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