Hi, recently bought a 56 plate Galaxy Zetec 2.0 TDCi, about 3 weeks after I bought it I lost power overtaking and had to pull back in as it had gone into limp home mode, it has done it a few times since and is fine after a switch off and restart - to the point that I now just do this whilst rolling along! I'm now fairly read up on this issue after having read some of the posts here and I have ordered a new MAF sensor to see if that works firstly, failing that I will be cleaning the turbo and actuator. More recently I have another issue in that the car wont start sometimes and I'm wondering if it is connected in any way? Battery good and the engine will turn and turn no bother, it will eventually kind of kick in, but sounding as if it is being starved of fuel or only running on a few cylinders, if I'm lucking it will splutter like this for a while before settling to a normal run and engine idle, or just cut out. Checked fuel lines as best as could as seem ok, doesn't seem to be any splits in the inlet manifold pipework, could this problem be connect to the above one with the power loss? It seems to start first thing in the morning no problem, problem seems to be at worst through the day when engine is warm and I going back to it after a short stop, it used to be the case that I would just wait 5 minutes and it would start no problem, but the last couple days that isnt working and the problem is definitely getting worse. Any help much appreciated!