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Everything posted by jaunsbuks

  1. OK. Thanks. Going to try out a different laptop. Did not get VCDS Lite to work with my cable on the current laptop.
  2. Thanks for the info! I asked it because the previous owner said he already had to replace the circulation pump once that caused the AUX heater to not run at all. Will wait for the garage to be free, so I can check that pump. Its location I dislike a lot lol EDIT: so, to sum it up - if I do not hear the circulation/run-on pump run after I turn the engine off, it is defective? or is there any other more reliable way to diagnose it if I dismantle it, can I somwehow connect a power source and test it?
  3. Seat Alhambra 2003 1.9tdi 85kw AUX heater still not working, glow plug is not faulty. Could someone please explain to me how the auxiliary heater functions in general? I mean - all of its components and the logics of its operation? What switches on, when it switches on etc? I have yet to get the codes read, but for now I want to know what the components are and how this system works in general. I was also told there is a circulation pump inside the engine bay which is also connected to the AUX heater? Also, is it number 12 fuse for alhambra as well?
  4. Hello! I know this is mainly a Seat Galaxy forum, but I will still give this a shot. I have a Seat Alhambra 1.9tdi (85kw) 2003. My auxiliary heater is not working. When I had the opportunity, I saw that the wires were not corroded. I want to know: 1. Can I tell what exact model of the aux heater I have by VIN? 2. How many consecutive fails would cause blocking of the aux heater? Ive read here that for Fords the number is 3? After which you must clear the faults before you are able to start it.
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