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Everything posted by badsimian

  1. Ebay for the lead, ross tech website for the latest version of software (lite version should be fine, the cheap leads should be fine for what you require). No idea on the glowplug though. I'd have a look on the software side first to see if the problem is the glow plug first if i were you. Think they normally either smoke excessively or log flame out errors with a duff plug, but there are other things that can cause them to lock out till cleared. So I got a lead, no faults found now after I cleared the ground one. Still getting smoke though.
  2. So I tried this and read the codes from the Aux heater. First one was "Short to ground" and then there were others it said I had to unlock to see. Does that mean there are other codes and I need to stump up the 99 quid? I was using the VCDS lite version.
  3. I can hear a pump or something similar going yes, sounds like a jet engine and clouds of smoke.
  4. Hi all - had my Alhambra for about 5 years, I don't think the aux heater has ever worked on it. I've read through most of this excellent thread but I don't quite understand how to work out which glow plug I need? Do I need to try and take it all apart first, identify it, put it back together. Order it and when it arrives then try to fit it? Also what is the cheapest way to get a VAG-COM interface to reset any codes that I need to? Thanks!
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