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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Galaxy quest 71

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    Ford galaxy ghia 55plate 2006
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    North East

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  1. Any ideas on where is best place to get n92 solenoid?? Is it a fairly easy fix to replace it ?
  2. I know this is an old post, but I have the same problem. I've changed all the other bits recommended on here and just left with n92.... how easy is it to do, do you need access from underneath.... bit of a novice here..
  3. I only have the street to work on it and no ramps to get underneath. Will have to ask around see if anyone local can help. Thank you for all your help and advice it really helped me.
  4. Hi ,I've read that before a lot of people have had success with the n92 solenoid. But I don't think I should tackle that as my basic knowledge isn't that good. Might just live with it .
  5. I have finally managed to get a fault code it comes up with 00652- Gear monitoring 27-10 - Implausible signal - intermittent. Don't know what this means but at least it shows a fault now thanks to your advice.
  6. Can anyone point me in the right direction for which Ross tech free down load I need for a 2005 1.9 diesel ford Galaxy mk2. The cable I ordered has VAGKKL on it. Thanks
  7. Thanks for advice again , a mate came with his laptop and plugged in for codes, don't know what he was using. I'll download the program and buy a lead I'm sure it will come in handy. One thing I have just noticed is that after running for a bit to check level again invade it needs a bit more so will try that on Monday when kids out the way .
  8. Hi , I have a 2005 1.9 diesel automatic. When engine cold it won't change from 1st to 2ND. When I sit and warm engine for 5 mins it runs fine. I have changed Maf sensor, TMap sensor, fuel filter,air filter and drained of auto transmission fluid twice now and still does the same. Is it worth draining off again just to hopefully get rid of any old fluid still left. Check engine light does nit come on. No fault codes showing up. Any more ideas or shall I just get used to warming it up. Thanks
  9. I'll drain some more out this weekend and then order another tub of atf. While I was driving today going up hill the power seemed to fade for some reason. I'll have a look at FAQ page see if anyone had the same
  10. Just been out for a run and still doing it, getting fed up now might just live with it. All I can think of next is n92 solenoid.
  11. Just been out for a run and still doing it, getting fed up now might just live with it. All I can think of next is n92 solenoid.
  12. Hi Brian, well I got the check plug out and about 1l of thick blank gunk came out, I'm guessing too much is as bad as too little. So I took the drain plug out and emptied as much as I could, then refilled until it came out the check plug. So hopefully that will sort it. Thank you so much for all your advice. Can't believe it was so easy, the only hard part was refilling had to fashion a funnel to get in right.
  13. I'll have a look see if I can find it , I've priced up 4l of atf from Euro car parts for 30 quid . So with the links you sent could save a lot of money Thank you
  14. Thanks for all your help ,this is beginning to sound past my limited knowledge. Might have to get a price from a garage
  15. Hi does anyone know how easy or difficult it is to change the n92 solenoid on auto galaxy. And where's the best place to get one from ? Complete novice
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