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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Galaxy MK2 2.3l. 2002 model.
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    North East

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  1. My 02 2.3 galaxy has developed an annoying hissing/whistling noise in the drivers footwell which I think is the servo leaking air. Question is can the servo be changed without removing the master cylinder? And is a later model likely to have a compatible servo with the 02 version. Got to buy second hand so may as well get a newer one if it fits. Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
  2. Yippee! After my own fiddling around and a few decent size garages having a go the small, one room, one man and a lad outfit have finally cracked it. These guys openly admitted they had never done one, (the others claimed they had) but they took two hours to get the bonnet open by removing the catch securing bolts. This included fitting my new cable and topping up the oil, water and wash bottle. Total cost £60 which I think is money well spent if it preserves your sanity and bonnet. Given my age and old joints I could never have done it and probably would have resorted to the angle grinder method of bonnet sculpture. We all agreed the job was impossible from the front due to the security plate blocking access (now removed) and access from below involves loosening the radiator cowling and having long thin arms. Now all I need is a new plastic grill which was a casualty early on. Thanks to all who advised. Glad I found the forum!
  3. Off to another garage in the morning where the guy says he is up for a challenge. I've managed to obtain two long metal rods that I'm hoping will reach the latch when we get it up on the lift. I've been around a while and had many cars since 1970 but this is the trickiest and daftest thing I've ever come across (so far)!
  4. Sorry Brian, I should have said when the cab end came adrift we pulled the cable with pliers but obviously too hard because suddenly the whole cable was loose and in the cab. That's when I saw the melted bit. The problem is now not being able to access the catch to trip it. The catch mounting bolts are not visible to remove it. Someone has suggested I try accessing it from under the wheel arch so I'll check that out today. I have to say I'm pleased with the Galaxy on the short local runs to garages etc and the oil and water must be OK as the temp gauge sits the right side of middle. Just can't check. I'll see what today brings, and when I finally open the bonnet I'll write up on here what I did.
  5. Thanks for the suggestions. So far I have managed to trash the plastic radiator grill when trying to pull it out of its clips. Not too worried, I can sort that later. It let me see there is no real access from the front but after watching the only video I can find on you tube I have spent some hours blindly fishing about with a bit of bent wire. (I hate fishing). I have had it to 2 garages who both gave in after a while. 2 or 3 others declined the job. I can't believe it is so tricky but I won't be beaten, even if I have find my angle grinder. Brian - both ends of the cable are adrift, someone pulled hard on the cab end and the catch end came free. The cable sheath was melted badly in the middle. Dunno what that's about! I have a nice new Ford cable ready to fit if I ever manage to open the bl***y bonnet!
  6. Looks like no one on the forum has tackled the problem. There are a few theories about but it soon becomes apparent they don't or cant work. After watching one very poor video on you tube and looking at the lock layout here and elsewhere it seems cutting a hole in the bonnet is the only way to release the lock. £40 for another bonnet and many wasted hours. Thanks Ford for a shitty design.
  7. I don't think anything has been modified by previous owners. Just simply can't reach through the clutter to get to the catch from underneath and an hour or two of blindly fishing around with a bit of wire hasn't worked. I will be trying again this morning but not too confident of success. I'm really reluctant to chop through the bonnet as it is in really good condition paint wise. It's the 2.3 model by the way.
  8. I have just bought an 02 plate Galaxy and the bonnet release cable has come adrift so I can't open the bonnet to check oil and water etc. I have looked through previous topics and none seem to apply to my car. For example it is impossible to reach the catch from underneath, too much in the way. I have broken the grill to get in from the front but there is another plate in the way. Fishing blind with wire has not worked for me, partly because I don't see what to hook onto when looking at the various vague videos about. Any suggestions from someone who has actually opened their bonnet would be very much appreciated.
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