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  1. Hi Everybody, Need some help and advice on the subject of Standard fit immobiliser on 1996 Galaxy TDi Ghia. Ive been doing the yearly look around for insurance quotes on my Galaxy and as Ive fitted non standard alloy wheels they are getting fussy and harder to find a good price. have been told by my best quote insurer that i need to have a thatcham class 2 immobiliser fitted to validate the policy if i take it up. Now ive checked on the web and a couple of sites list the criteria of thatcham approved immobilisers, the AA site being one of them. It states that class 1 requires both alarm and immobilisation features and a class 2 only requires immobilisation features. I would think that a factory fit FORD Immobiliser would meet the Class 2 criteria, but its always wise to seek advice from the more knowledgable people around like your good selves. Any ideas?
  2. Thanks for the advice guys, got the alternator out and checked out the bushes inside and they were totally worn away along with the contacts on the centre spindle. rang around for some quotes for a replacement unit and nearly had a heart attack! got quoted
  3. Can anyone help with some advise and info please, I have a problem with my 96 Galaxy 1.9 TDi showing battery/charging light constantly on while engine running. Problem started with speedo behaving erratically, followed next morning by a dead battery. after a new battery fitted all the instruments on the dash now behaving erratic (dash back lights flashing on/off, needles flicking up and down) but more so the speedo needle (around the clock and back again constant changing). changed the speed sensor unit underneath the car on back of gearbox and initially no change, but while test driving the car after changing it and after turning on full lights and heated front and rear switches the sdials corrected themselves back to normal!, but i now have a constant red battery light showing while running. Have checked the battery with meter and it shows 12.1 volts engine off, 12.3 volts on idle rising to 12.6 volts higher revs and down to 11.8 volts with all heated circuits and lights on. can also fluctuate up and down between these while reving and under load. Am i looking at internal fault in alternator (are they servicable?) or complete new alternator unit? Im also looking at replacing the drivebelt tensioner as i seem to have the dreaded noise from under the bonnet and the belt is jumping up and down at idle. Your help would be much appreciated. Thanks
  4. Thanks guys, Ive just read the small section on the bottom of the paperwork that came with the adaptor and with the sony head unit you have to power the amp from a swithched permanent supply as the unit turns the power off when not listening to the tuner, which means cutting and shutting one of the cables on the new connector to a suitable supply. Having done this, it all works fine. That will teach me to read ALL the paperwork first in the future and not just assume. Thanks for your info and help.
  5. Thanks Ivor, I did read your piece on the castrol oil, but wasnt sure if it was just about 110 engines upwards. I also read the reply from the newspaper about Millers oils, and have checked out their website today. they make a range of diesel oils semi and full synthetic, im gonna try the fully synthetic as you suggested, its 5W/40 spec and my local stockist sells it for
  6. So who can tell me which oil i should be putting in my just acquired 96 1.9 TDi 90 Galaxy. Semi or full synthetic oil? which brand? Castrol? Mobil? Millers? or A.N.Other? The cars done 112,000 miles regularly serviced and drives nicely, but i dont know whats in the sump now and i want to start off with a fresh batch of oil so i have some peace of mind from now on. Anyones help and knowledge would be much appreciated.
  7. Can anyone please help! Ive just bought a 96 Galaxy 1.9 TDi Ghia and i want to replace the standard 2007 RDS cassette unit for a sony single CD player. Ive been to halfords and bought the adaptor lead to connect it into Mr Fords wiring loom and im not getting any sound from the unit. am i doing something wrong? reading through some of the other entries in the forum, there seems to be a lot of complicated things about adding into Ford I.C.E. wiring systems. any advice or help would be very much appreciated as im currently stuck with listening to the radio as all my old cassettes got thrown out by the Ex wife. Great website by the way, some excellant info.
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