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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by lordhawes

  1. Can any one give me tips on changing head gasket on my 2.0l galaxy as i suspect it has blown.Is it a sod to do as chain driven,and can you access the timing chain easily as worried about loosing timing.My mate isnt so keen on doing it as he has heard they are a sod to do.Has any one got any tips as not so keen to take to a ford dealer,would cost more than car is worth.
  2. Hi, can any one give me some clues where to look as my coolant is disapearing some where.Cant see any leakages externaly.My galaxy is a 2.0l petrol n regy.The only problem i seem to hav with it is that when you start car up from cold it can miss fire for about 20 seconds or so then clears.A freind seems to think if the head gasket has gone then the water might be gettin fired away with the petrol.But i have checked my oil and it seems to be fine no water getting in to the oil.Could he be right in saying this and that could cause the miss fire as well.??Is it a big job to renew head gasket as chain driven.??
  3. AT LAST I HAVE CURED MY CENTRAL LOCKING PROBLEM. Was checking wiring looms in the tailgate and traced wires down through back quater panel and noticed the loom divides into four plugs. When i disconected them they were all wet,[HENCE MY SHORT CIRCUITING] Dried them out and reposisioned them as i guess water has been running down loom from rubber gromet leading to boot. Glad i didnt get garage to find fault would have had hefty bill as their advice was replace the central locking.thanks for every ones advice.....
  4. clean scuttle drain regular as well,herd alot about them.under passenger seat is dry so i will still check clc in morning to see if damp anyway.thanks
  5. hello, first time i,ve used this forum so please bare with me.my problem is with my 1995 2.0l galaxy.when i lock car the car unlocks its self and the front windows go all way down .the windows can go down when car is unlocked as well.very erratic sometimes.disconected both front door wireing looms from pillar for tonight and locked car.any ideas where to start please??
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