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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by darrenwarner

  1. Does it matter which way round the wires are connected on the fuel pump is it green on top and brown on the bottom or does it not matter?
  2. Hi thanks for the info but i have checked it and it has a fault on it looking for the rear motor flap which my car does not have is there a way i can stop this or do i need to get a different unit if so which one?
  3. Hi i have a mk2 1.9tdi with climate control, i am not sure it is working correctly when i start the engine it flashes for about 30 seconds then displays temp etc it also doesnt seem to heat the car unless the temp is set on 21degrees. Is there a way to reset the controller or test it?
  4. Hi my mk2 galaxy tdi 1.9 has poor acceleration from stationery and loses power when going up a hill any ideas
  5. Hi there are no dials in the back apart from on each vent there is a vent in the roof for each passenger seat
  6. Hi how do you get air out of the rear roof vents i have tried all the controls on the climate system, i can get it on the floor.
  7. Hi thanks there are no break lights is this a fuse
  8. Help i was driving along when the glow plug light came on and the comment goto workshop, turned the ignition off and it came back, is this serious or is it a case of a glow plug the engine sounds the same.
  9. I changed my unit and now when i turn on the ignition it flashes for 30 seconds then it comes up ok and runs normally is there a way to stop this?
  10. It is slow starting when hot as well While starting she is trying to run but is lumpy then suddenly purs and runs smooth, if i stop the starter motor while starting she is lumpy runs for a bit then dies , if i keep the starter motor going she will suddenly smooth out and pur. The glow plugs are ok. Any other ideas it can only be something simple as she is fine after starting. Many thanks for your help
  11. Hi i have changed the 109 relay and it starts after about 20 seconds on the startermotor the led is now fine on the door. Any other ideas ? I am thinking glow plugs as it needs a service.
  12. I will get a 109 relay, i will let you know the outcome many thanks for your help
  13. Hi i have been working on her today and there is no leak or water in the diesal filter but the led is constantly on and then flahes cosistently even when the engine is running What does this mean?
  14. Hi thank you so much for your help. When it has been running and i turn off then restart streight away i have to do the same procedure to restart. I hope this might help narrow down any help Thanks
  15. Many thanks for your help, the starter motor is turning normally and i have changed the fuel filter and disel coming out. A thought i have had is could the pump be going or a ir leak in the system which would let the disel run back when not running but primes up when starting?
  16. Hi i have a mk2 1.9tdi galaxy that has started to playup when starting, to get it to start hot or cold i have to hold the starter motor on for about 40 seconds before she runs then she is fine.
  17. Hi i have a galaxy ghia mk2 and i have a strange fault with my electric windows on the rear, they work until i plug in the drivers door switches, my first thoughts is the child switch but i have shorted the terminals 11 and 14 as per the haynes manual but the colour coding does not match the plug can some one help many thanks
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