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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Galaxy 1.9TDi
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    West Midlands

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  1. Not been on here much as sorted a few issues out with the help of the members when I first had issues with my Ford Galaxy MKII 1.9 TDi 2005 and everything has been going fine until this evening. I have noticed that when accelerating to change gear there is a noise that can only be described as if a vacuum cleaner has been turned on, the sound only occurs when moving and when stationary there is no noise at all This did not happen when the Galaxy was used a little earlier and has all of a sudden started to happen, like I say it is accelerating to change gear as once in top gear or in a gear where you are doing a level speed there is no noise. Like I say cars and mechanics are not my strong point as if it was an IT issue it would have been sorted by now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hi BrianH, I forgot to add that I have heard the same noise but only slightly when the Galaxy is moving forward slowly and I have heard a squeaking noise when driving a slower speeds, unfortunately the Galaxy is not fitted with reversing sensors. I hope this helps. :)
  3. Hi everyone, Please accept my sincere apologies for not getting back to reply sooner due to work commitments Thank you for your help and answering some of my questions. The loud whining noise when reversing I have been advised could be the Alternator Clutch Pulley, does anyone know of this issue? The good news is I have managed to get the rear brake lights working thanks to the advice from BrianH. Thank you. :) GreenSharran Tdi I will give your EGR Valve solution a try and I just hope I don't mess this up as like I say when it comes to cars I am useless. :) I will let you know how I get on. Thank you all for your help. :)
  4. Hi Everyone, I am new to this forum as my wife has a 2005 Ford Galaxy Silver MkII 1.9 TDi which we have had for 6 months, recently we have had a few issues which included getting the Dual Mass Flywheel replaced for one. I would like some advice on few issues if possible. Please note that engines and technical knowledge of vehicles is not my strong point and if the Galaxy was a computer I would probably be writing replies to technical issues as I am OK with computers so please be patient if I don't understand your replies. :) First off when driving along I have noticed a whooshing sound coming from the front of the Galaxy and when this occurs sometimes it feels as if the Galaxy lurches as if losing power, this occurs sporadically and happens frequently during short and long journey's. There is no black smoke coming from the exhaust as I had a friend follow us just to see if there was any smoke coming from the exhaust, there is no warning light coming on it is really puzzling and I did read a similar post on this forum but I was not sure it was the same issue? Any help and photographs of what could be the issue would be greatly appreciated and welcome as I am out of my league here. :) Secondly, when reversing there is a loud whining noise when my wife reverses out of the drive or reverses anywhere in fact and when we bought the car we had this occur and took it back but they said it was nothing to worry about but I think there is something wrong as we have replaced the Dual Mass Flywheel and we still get this noise which is quite loud. Lastly, and I think I know the answer to this one. The rear brake lights are not coming on even though the brake light strip on the back window is working fine, I am hoping that it is either a fuse issue or both bulbs have blown but I hope it is a simple fuse replacement. :) Any help on these issues would be greatly appreciated and if there are any mechanics in the Birmingham area reading this post who can help as like I say I am technically useless when it comes to cars please get in touch. :) Thank you.
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