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Everything posted by mkostadin

  1. Buy new one! Old will brake soon. Tail gate wiring rubber costs 10-12 euro from Ford dealer.
  2. Don't use rubber boot from scrapyard. They are old and soon will brake soon. My original got broken after 15 years. So new one will lasts some years.
  3. Nicely done! May I ask where you purchased a new rubber boot? I cannot find the correct one on ebay, at least not for a reasonable price.. Official ford dealer. It was about 10-12 euro. I took oem number from left rubber,because right was too damaged.
  4. Thanks! Finally my wiring loom is renewed. New rubber, new wires. Unfortunately 14 wires made big and not so soft bunch of cables. I spent 2 days replacing every wire - from connector to connector. Hope to not have such experience at least 2-3 years.
  5. I have some FLRY-B wires, but not enough colors - only red and black :( They pretend to be very soft, big temperature range and have lot of strands. Interesting think is - they have smaller diameter than regular stranded wire with same size. May be bigger number of thin strands allows them to stay tightly in wire. Finally I found some wiring diagram - for VW Sharan. They have 2.5mm2 wires for rear window heater and wiper motor. But in my Galaxy these wires looks like 1.5mm2. I will see this when cut wires - may be they are 2.5mm2 but FLRY-b standart give them smaller diameter.
  6. Hello, I don't know proper size of wires in tailgate wiring loom. Reading manual about fuses - I saw 20A per heated rear window and 15A for wiper motor. Current wires in wiring loom are original but too thin. There are no labels on wires. New wires in shop have good labels - temperature, ampers, volts, area..... Now I'm wondering how to put proper wires. It sounds good idea to put bigger size, but this will make wiring loom too hard and will broke soon.
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