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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Galaxy 1.9tdi 1999
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    South East

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  1. What the title says realy?? I've noticed that my car bogs a bit and feels like turbo lag up to about 1900 rpm then goes like stink. No over boost or under boost, no codes and all is good on vcds as is vane and actuator movement . I would like it to kick in a bit earlier and have read posts about shortening the actuator rod but don't have the full vcds to perform an output test. Any help or ideas would be appreciated
  2. My Mk1 tdi temp gauge gets to 3/4 then just stays there. Could it be the thermostat although new not opening enough. It doesn't go any higher and won't boil so I guess it's working to a point it's just disconcerting. I recently changed the head, water pump and thermostat due to gasket going and this has happened ever since. Got annoyed and no matter what I do it won't boil. I just wonder if a cheap thermostat is faulty.
  3. I have a mk1 tdi and just replaced the head and gasket and now my temp gauge is working and I am paranoid watching it. It sits in the middle of the normal position and creeps up to the "m" in the normal when sat in traffic. Haven't heard a fan cut in yet and doesn't rise any higher. Is this errr " normal". It's now quite nice that the pipework doesn't pressurise and I don't have to release the pressure everytime I stop
  4. Well it's all done, love being able to do things myself but a ballache fitting it in around family and work. Took an age to pull diesel through and in the end we towed it in second gear. fine now but I'm paranoid and not used to the temp sitting at halfway. Seems noisier but haven't got any of the sound deadening in yet. I had better make sure the fans work now.
  5. No I replaced 3kW with a working 3kW, I will try the little diesel prime pump to see if that's working.
  6. I did worry about the head skimming but a company near me that specialises in it said unless it's overheated it would be ok,they measured it anyway for free.interestingly the head that came off the high miler was amazingly good,no cam wear, no bore wear and valves only took a couple of turns to grind back in. However the sludge in the inlets was horrific and easily halfing it's inlet capacity, the egr will definitely be blanked off when it goes back on.
  7. Yes, sounds exactly the same,mines like it has rabies, I've loved the afn and ahu engines as my last four cars have had them and all done over 300k (passat was 340k used cooking oil and original clutch and exhaust) hence why I went for the galaxy, this one at 160k I classed as low milage, luckily I've got the head off my old alhambra so a few days swapping isn't going to cost me much as I can do it myself, I am just gutted.feels like an old friend has let me down
  8. Thanks, I think your eight about the head gasket, I've tried everything, I even hear like a short farting noise when I turn the engine off even without the cap on but it stops before I can get under the bonnet,bloomin thing
  9. I have a 99 galaxy tdi that replaced my 99 tdi alhambra, I have kept the alhambrfor spares but it is a higher spec one with cruise control, computer with mpg and heated seats. Does anyone know if these cars have the same wiring loom and would the wires be there on the basic model to add the alhambra bits
  10. Hi all, just got a 99 galaxy and all works well but I have noticed the expansion tank has a lot of pressure and the top rad hose is hard, should I be worried????, I've checked flow and the little pipe that goes to the top of the tank and they seem free flowing once cap is released. Any help would be greatfully appreciated
  11. Just had a look and it is 3 kW,,,I've just swapped the working one off my alhambra and it still doesn't work. I have looked for a separate water pump but can't see one.I've bridged the sensor too and checked the fuses.must be something I am missing
  12. Sorry to drag up a old thread but I wondered if vcds lite (shareware vag com) detects these fault codes, mines not working at all but I have no fault codes.
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