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    04 Ford Galaxy tdi mk 2
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  1. Hi Gents. Yesterday, I fitted a set of relays from another galaxy tdi, which I know work on other car, bearing the same numbers and checked all the connections on them. Switching on the ignition about a dozen times, relay 53 was clicking on and you could hear the tank pump buzzing and gushing. Started every time when cold. Took her for a drive last night, when warm, stopped in car park and she took about six secs to start. Apart from in tank pump, I've checked out every thing electrical. I'm now turning towards the tandem pump on side of engine as its mechanical and is sharing job of pumping or vacuuming air. It's not visually leaking, but at 217000 could be dropping on pressure internally. I think there is a test plug on it. In Haynes manual it says those pumps run at 3.5 bar at 1500 revs. Might connect a gauge up and see if it drops off when switched off. Catch you later!
  2. Thanks Brian and Greensharan. I'll try relay 53 first as if left over night, it fires immediately in morning. It seems to be more when half warm or hot. But also could be tank pump ( which they defo do have .) as she's done 217000! I've got both 2 nd hand. I was just having a break to let some hair grow back, and then try tank pump. I didn't know about 53, so I'll do that tomorrow. Thanks chaps. Will get back.
  3. Also when cranking over, the Led on the door stays on, not flashing.
  4. Hi. I have a 2004 tdi that has an electrical gremlin somewhere. I have changed relay 109, crank sensor, found badly burnt cables in engine bay fuse box, cut back and fitted new crimps. But every other time I start it, it takes about 6 / 8 seconds of cranking to start, to which she instantly fires up. Sometimes when she fires up, after long cranking, she cuts out immediately, buts then starts ok. I've also fitted a new injector harness and no codes show up. I was just wandering what others relays I could try?
  5. Hi Brian. I changed fuel filter about 7 thousand miles ago. Haven't changed loom as it only sometimes occurs when cold. I'm having clutch and flywheel done on wed so we shall see. You can feel that the flywheel has a lot of play in it. Hopefully it's that as it could be throwing balance out for crank and cam sensors. If still same, then injector loom!
  6. Hi all. I have an 04 tdi auy manual. It's covered 216000, runs sweet as a nut. The dmf is on the way out as I can hear a springy rattle coming from it on low speed on over run as I'm slowing to a yellow line. Every now and then, the car cranks over for a few secs before straight away starting. After that, sometimes it will lose revs as if misfiring until you depress clutch, and all is well. I was wandering if anyone has experienced this before. Or maybe flywheel so worn, it's out of balance for crank sensor. Gone through quite a lot of testing,electric connections, sensors etc.
  7. On top of the fuel filter is a fuel control valve which has a pipe in and a pipe out, held in with a spring clip. Try that!
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