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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by PeterMoon

  1. Hi,i want to remove the diesel pump on a galaxy im breaking but not sure where its located exactly .Could someone tell me where to find it and how to remove please? Thankyou
  2. Hi all,gutted my gearbox has given up and as ive had turbo and tappett issues im calling it a day spending more money on it,Everything apart from rolling chasis is available and will have car on drive for a few weeks so probably best giving me a call 07754 900867 if theres any parts i can help you with.Cheers Pete The cars in Byfleet Surrey but can post items too.
  3. 2003 1.9 tdi automatic 125,000 miles Hi ,i took my car to a diesel specialist because of my over revving on start up and intermittent power loss on acceleration sometimes,I knew as it was intermittent he may not find find problem if it wasnt showing when he had it........ And of course the mechanic had it for 2 days and the issue didnt show ffs! he did point out what i knew and thought was connected to my other problems that the engine was loud and tappetty.He said it was a major job to do and because of other problems probably not worth an engine strip. As that was a garages opinion i was wondering if Tappet problem was that hard and should i consult other gargages to get this problem sorted? Anyone had this sort of work carried out? cheers Pete
  4. Thanks for reply,have code reader and there was no fault codes ,yep something else
  5. Hi,was going to change the gearbox oil.Have found lots of help to do the job but not so much advice on what oil i should use? Any suggestions would be good thanks. Its a 2003 1.9 tdi auto gearbox
  6. Hi ,i have a 2003 model with aux heater that didnt work.I replaced with correct glow plug but it still doesnt work.What should i check next please?
  7. Thanks Traff,can you tell me where this is? :}
  8. Thanks for link.Ive managed to get glass out without breaking using a large zip tie round back of mirror to even the pressure,a good tug and it was out. The next problem i have is how to get main cover off as there are four lugs which need to be squeezed in at same time to remove cover ...cant seem to get any where with it .
  9. Hi all,my electric wing mirror was ripped off on my 2003 mk2 ,ive bought a replacement but its a manual operated one.Id like to swap some bits off old one so that its electric and not manual.Does anyone know how to take apart without breaking please? thanks
  10. Thanks Brian ,ver helpfull.Do you know whats under the left hand side ? im told the aux heater matrix but theres seems to be a large plastic box shaped unit you can see in when the small panel is removed near aux socket.
  11. Hi,was wondering how to get the rear panels off in back of car to get to heater,where do you start? cheers Pete
  12. Hi ,mine does this ,did you find out what was causing it to do this? cheers Pete
  13. Hi,i have this leak on my 2003 1.9tdi diesel engine and am not familiar with the engines.it seems to be from the right angled thick hose.Im experiencing over revving on start up and occasionally seems to loose power as if turbo not working? Any feedback greatfull,cheers Pete
  14. Hi all ,my rear window,drivers side,stopped working and was left half open.The front control button also would not operate it to open or close.It also does nothing when key turned left/right when held.All other windows ok.I managed to get door card off and put 12 volts to button and was able to close the window so not the motor as that worked ok and at least its shut now. i was wondering where to start looking first ? cheers Pete
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