Hello, back again, Having sadly sent my 2000 Mk2 TDi to the knackers yard I am in the semi lucky position of being able to save for a few months to get a replacement. So do I go for a late TDi Ghia or an early Ghia spec equivalent TDCi? And manual or auto? My last was manual and the clutch collapsed. Factors to consider i) Fuel economy is important to me obviously, ii) It has to tow a 1650kg caravan so is auto as useable as manual for that? iii) does the TDCi have the same injector problems as Mondeos suffer once you get above 120K miles or so? iv) what issues plague one version compared to the other? v) does the TDCi warm up any quicker than the TDi. vi) does the TDCi come with an auxilliary heater, not that I ever got mine to work :{? vii) I really liked the fuller padded seats in the TDi compared to the more flat modern equivalents I've been in, however they were minicabs. how do they compare for comfort especially the third row What are the main differences overall? Thanks again in anticipation and good bye to Old Gal :( Jon