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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by jonmelkay

  1. Hello all, I owned a Mk2 1.9tdi until February when the clutch collapsed and it wasn't worth replacing. I was determined to go to another vehicle and considered a Volvo XC90 (spank me now!!) but kept pining for a Galaxy I've now learned about the 2.0 TDCi Zetec Powershift Galaxies that Addison Lee (huge contract cab company in London) sell off at about 4 years old (2012 plates) with about 100K miles on them and for about £6.5k to £7.5k My son in law drives a van for them and tells me how insistent and fussy they are about servicing their vehicles on time and fully, sometimes being over the top as it's all tied in to the special warranty deal they have with Ford So my question is what do you think about buying from them? What should I look for and ask? They are very open on what has been done to the car and will give me a full service and repairs print out of every thing changed from day 1. Is there an after market warranty worth considering out there or should I just put the equivalent monthly payments into a savings account? Will they make a good tow car? I know they won't have pulled anything before which is a positive and apparently have plug and play electrics already in place. Thanks and hopefully I will return to the fold or should that be ford? Jon
  2. Hello, back again, Having sadly sent my 2000 Mk2 TDi to the knackers yard I am in the semi lucky position of being able to save for a few months to get a replacement. So do I go for a late TDi Ghia or an early Ghia spec equivalent TDCi? And manual or auto? My last was manual and the clutch collapsed. Factors to consider i) Fuel economy is important to me obviously, ii) It has to tow a 1650kg caravan so is auto as useable as manual for that? iii) does the TDCi have the same injector problems as Mondeos suffer once you get above 120K miles or so? iv) what issues plague one version compared to the other? v) does the TDCi warm up any quicker than the TDi. vi) does the TDCi come with an auxilliary heater, not that I ever got mine to work :{? vii) I really liked the fuller padded seats in the TDi compared to the more flat modern equivalents I've been in, however they were minicabs. how do they compare for comfort especially the third row What are the main differences overall? Thanks again in anticipation and good bye to Old Gal :( Jon
  3. Yes I suspect cheap clutch by previous owner for sale. No warranty..
  4. In one last desperate effort I've marked the shaft at the joint and tried the 6th gear pull off to no avail. The shaft didn't move, let alone show any slip which tells me the drive isn't getting that far. Now it won't go into any gear so I believe, as daddyfixit said, it's the clutch or somewhere in the clutch are e.g. DMF that has gone. :( :( :( :( I don't have the ability or tools/venue to do the work myself nor the money to spend on something I've now lost faith in so it'll go on eBay in the next few weeks for spares or repair sadly. Shame it's been a good workhorse Thanks for all your help with this Jon
  5. daddyfixit Thanks, I've been told it might be the DMF or even the intermediate drive shaft, The one thing I don't understand is if it's the shaft will it grip at low load but slip at higher load or just slip across the board? If it's the DMF can it be an intermediate fault or is it a once it's failed it never works again? The half shaft is doable for me, the DMF means its on eBay for spares or repairs :((
  6. Hello, My 2000 Mk2 Galaxy 1.9TDi manual developed a drive fault last night. If you pull off gently like driving on sheet ice it's fine and you can slowly build up speed and change up through the box. No noises etc but, if you accelerate just too much or hit a hill and it has to use some torque there's a fast judder at first followed by what sounds like metal bouncing off teeth in a fast ringing style rather than grinding or banging and the revs climb as if the clutch is slipping. If you lift off it all settles back down again. Once you hit a hill you can continue up it as long as you keep it in a lower gear with the revs around the 2000rpm mark but any more than 2500 (revving too quickly) and less than 1500rpm (labouring) and it spins up. If stationary with 6th gear selected you slowly lft off the throttle at half revs it just spins up, again with the ringing type sound. It's not a standard quiet clutch slip where the revs build but the speed remains the same. The clutch was done about 15000 miles ago and a drive shaft was changed as well according to the seller. One of the drive shafts is clearly newer than the other So any ideas, likely fixes and costs etc??? Thanks yet again in anticipation Jon
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