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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by GeeMan

  1. Hi again guys, need some assistance please, can anyone suggest where i can go in surrey or london, for a sat nav disc i have googled them and they are retailing at around
  2. Good morning guys, i wonder if you can help me, over the last couple of days i have been starting the engine in the morning and it has been firing but not starting, eventually it starts, but rough, its a 2001 V6, it is very sluggish when ticking over initially, then settles after about 30secs at just under 1000 revs. Before it would just start first time go up to just over 1000 revs, then settle to under 1000 revs after a minute or so, which is normal. It is 3 weeks overdue on a service, however i cannot believe this is the cause and merely a coincidence. :lol: Also i'm sure i noticed a blueish smoke coming from exhaust this morning but it turned white almost straight away, is there anything i can do besides gettin the old girl serviced? also do any of my symptoms sound like a major problem is around the corner? Cheers GeeMan :D
  3. Hi hope someone can help me i've got a 2001 V6, as of 2 days ago i've noticed that my fan keeps cutting in every 4-5 mins for about 5 secs, nothing is registered on the dash as a fault and yesterday it cut in around 5 mins after i started the car and the engine was still cold :blink: . Can anyone assist as to what is wrong or faulty. Cheers GeeMan :rolleyes:
  4. Does anyone know if the glbal closing can be wired to the alarm, so it is activated when you press the key, rather than standing there to close it? some pics or detailed explaination would be greatly appreciated Thanks GeeMan
  5. Thanx NikpV :D will attempt this weekend, wife saw last message and has put padlock on downstairs cupboard, so cant get tools lol :lol: i'll persuade her by Saturday though :ph34r:
  6. Cheers NikpV, i think it'll be worth while just putting a screw driver through them and call it a day lol :lol: i'll give it a go on the weekend :D atleast thats my weekend planned in advance :D now the wife has no excuse to ask me to go shopping, i'll tell her that the electrics aren't working and hope she knows less than me lol :D :D :D :D :D :D :D but i'm a cool dude, :D so things shouldn't get out of hand, thanks again GeeMan :D
  7. Hi guys, another newbie here :lol: got a gal v6 mkII shape, speakers are completely jacked, i know from previous threads how to change the front and rear door speakers, however my dilemma is the two speakers in the rear wheel arches, i've searched high and low for info about removing and replacement, they are around 2-3" in diameter, but unsuccessful :D can anyone shed some light on this situation for me please and show pics if possible :D Cheers appreciate any help :D GeeMan
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