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Everything posted by Twicky

  1. Thanks for the comments. Too late in day now to do any more on it now, but I am puzzled.... Humour me. Orig motor will go down but not up from all 3 controls. Both replacement motors will go up AND down from driver's door, nothing from passenger door switch and down only from key. That suggests to me that the power connections to motor are ok. As far as I can gather from the (Mk1) wiring diag the other (smaller) wires in the motor plug are from the various switches etc which cause the motor to run. The passenger door switch presumably does not go through the door harness, yet that doesn't work at all with the replacement motors and works in the down direction only with the original motor. I have metered the connections from the passenger door switch through to the motor plug, and it checks out fine. My biggest puzzle is why the symptoms are (consistently) different with the original and replacement motors. Surely this suggests something other than a wiring fault/broken wire? I guessed at a compatibility issue - the motors ostensibly look the same but are slightly different mechanically. Does anyone know where I can find a Mk2 wiring diag?? At least I can now use the window, albeit only from drivers door switch. Twicky
  2. Hi everyone - I'm hoping someone can save my sanity.... I have an electric window problem. Car: 2.3 Zetec Galaxy 2000 model, reg'd Sep 2000. Front elec windows only (so only 2 to go wrong then.... <_< ) Original problem: Passenger side front window went down as normal from switch on passenger door one not-so-fine day then steadfastly refused to go back up. Investigated usual stuff - switches, no pool of water under seat, no broken door wires anywhere that I can see etc etc. Decided had to be motor/control assy as 'down' worked fine, 'up' wouldn't even raise a click from the relay. Removed whole regulator assy and resorted to a piece of wood taped inside door to hold glass up. Particularly bad timing as we were just about to go touring in France in it. Toll booths on the peages and kiosks at ferry ports great fun with a stuck left front window! So, back in England, I bought a window regulator/motor assy (suspect early model) from ebay, connected up motor and.... different probem! Window works fine (up & down) from drivers door switch, does nothing at all from passenger door switch and will go down but not up from the key. Have also tried 2nd motor from similar source and exactly the same. Original motor goes down (only) from all 3 still. Is there a wiring difference on the 2000 models? I thought I read somewhere that all Gals were more or less the same re the window motors... Doesn't help that I only have a Mk1 Gal Haynes manual - they don't seem to have published one for the later cars???? Hoping someone out there can help Twicky
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