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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy Ghia X V6 2.8
  • Vehicle Model
  • Region
    South East

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Sounds like it could be your EGR all coked up. Remove it, clean it using some Carb cleaner, put back on, then take down the motorway for an Italian Tune Up.
  2. I have a mk1, looked a mk2 but wasn't to keen on it. My mk1 is the 2.8v6 Ghia X, few little niggles, but that is from previous owner not caring for her. Mate of mine has 2.3 mk1 Ghia X his has 260000+ miles, original engine and still going strong. Mk1 all the way.
  3. Hi there, i'm almost certain this has been asked, but unless i'm looking in the wrong places it refers to the aux heater. On the main heater/cooling panel in car, my ambient air is way off. I believe the sensor is either filthy or on its way out, but can anyone tell me where it is located. I have a mk1 Gal, with the 2.8 Vr6 Fitted.
  4. Hi, Thanks for the reply, yes have checked that area. That is my next step ebay, but thought I would see if one was going on here.
  5. Firstly apologies is 1) this is in the wrong section 2) if this has already been asked for. I have been hit by the dreaded sunroof drain leak, on my mk1. I have now fixed that problem however a bit to late and it has wrecked my central locking control unit, fitted under the front passenger seat. I am hoping someone on here, has one they can spare to sell. The two part numbers on it are: 7 MO 962 257 H 95VW 15K600 BC I have attached a photo to aid as well. I hope someone can help. Thanks Dan
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