Oops !. Sorry if I upset the diesel lovers out there. But I only asked a simple question about the MPG for a 2.3 petrol engine. It was only a snide remark from a so called advanced member that prompted my remark about 'oil burners'. If I had wanted the MPG for a diesel engine I would have asked for it. As regards to the choice of petrol or diesel it must always be down to personal preference. Just three more things: a) Anyone who chooses a BMW diesel over a Porsche (628 or 911 ) must have water in their veins. :blink: My first car is a Corolla T Sport (190 BHP) I can get 40MPG in this, as long as I stay away from the rev limiter. My wife can get 30 easily?. The Galaxy is for relaxing in and going to the coast with family and the dogs, and carrying things that don't fit in the Corolla c) I drive a diesel for work and it sounds like a 'bag of spanners in a washing machine', admittedly a good washing machine. BFN