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  1. Also found a nearly unused Haynes manual £14 posted http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa101/HowardJ_2007/for%20sale%20150615/DSC_2311_zpsa3natrmb.jpg
  2. I bought these last year as I was going to change the noisy pulley on my Galaxy 1.9 2005 Auto, In the end I was given a company car so I sold the Galaxy, these have been sitting in my garage since, £35 posted paypal gift please (email me on h.joyce@btinternet.com) http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa101/HowardJ_2007/for%20sale%20150615/DSC_2316_zps0son48em.jpg http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa101/HowardJ_2007/for%20sale%20150615/DSC_2315_zpsyxfnsmwv.jpg
  3. Thank Chris, that's fantastic, I'll let you know how I get on.
  4. Yes, parking sensors which I know are faulty, 1 at back and 1 at front
  5. If I remember correctly there are 2 tests on vcds, one said no codes found and one said not connected successfully Can you just confirm when you click on Aux heater does the controller open showing the heater address in green text if yes then you have the button to scan for codes, if you click the scan for codes does a message come back with no codes found or to many connection errors, or controller not found. Ok, I have scanned again, no codes found on 2 of the tests for the aux heater (came up in green ok) but in the conv/comf tab at test 7D I get controller not found? Any ideas please? Ta!
  6. If I remember correctly there are 2 tests on vcds, one said no codes found and one said not connected successfully
  7. I would suspect you need to clear it before it will fire up. Either way if there is another problem with it the same lead will assist you. You need a vcds lead and laptop and copy of vcds lite Also the booster will only come on when its cold enough to trigger it. Ok, bought a lead and downloaded software, all connected up, no fault codes for Aux Heater and it's still not working, even took out the sensor and bypassed it.
  8. Update, so I searched for some suitable brushes to no avail, had a look at some power tools and stole a set of brushes out of one, a bit too big, but after a bit of use with the file got them to the tight size. The pump was a bugger to get off mainly because of access to the metal clips. After a bit of soldering and getting frustrated with trying to get the cotton thread on the brushes I got it all back together. Switch on and the pump is humming away :) the old brushes had hardly any Carbon left on them, however the aux exhaust is still not getting warm! Do I need to get the fault code cleared for it to work? Or is it something else like the diode? PS. Thanks all for your help, there is no way I could have got this far without it.
  9. Thanks really good info', I think I may have a go at replacing the bushes this weekend.......just need to find some??? Maybe time to rip open a few power tools to see if anything will fit, as no chance of finding any this weekend :(
  10. Thanks guys, really helpful as per usual. I did fit a new ABS sensor last week and when I took the car to the garage one of the faults that came up was ' fuel fired heater' so I presume that is the aux heater? A few pumps listed on eBay including a new Bosch one for
  11. I have a similar problem, not owned my 2005 (148,000 miles) mk2 long, it's a 1.9tdi. I have just been outside to try it (1.5 deg) started her up and cracked open the fan to full and hot. Had a look and feel off the little exhaust and there is no heat whatsoever, also no noise either when the engine is running or when I turn it off. What is the best place to start with fault finding? Thanks
  12. Thanks for the replies, the discs are very worn and will need replacing when I get around to it. I originally took the front RHS wheel off to replace the ABS sensor, whilst I did this I cleaned up the caliper, I reckon I just unseated the pads as the noise seems to have reduced.
  13. Hi Guys, I have now had my 2005 1.9tdi Automatic galaxy with 145,000 miles on it for about 2 months. Over the past few weeks I have noticed a scraping sounding noise that appears to come from the drivers side, It happens under load when accelerating or moving very slowly, to me it sounded like a stone caught between the brake disc, or the metal surround catching, I took the front wheel and caliper off, pushed back the metal surround and checked what I could but the noise is still there, it may happen at higher speeds but I cant hear it then. Any ideas welcome?
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