Yep, engine seized at just over 200k miles. Lots of people say deisels do well over this with no problems but mechanic says this about the life of a diesel. Luckily (?) just came back from hols previous day. Two weeks ago had it serviced and a new power steering pump and belt fitted because it seized. Obvious questions maybe was it serviced correctly etc but it ran sweet-as-a-nut for the hols and did 800 miles before seizing. WAS getting a slight squeel from the repaired power steering on full lock after 500 miles but don't think it may be associated with engine seize - just doing 50mph when I heard noise and saw puff of blue smoke in rear view mirror then engine raced to full throttle and stopped. Phoned mechanic who said the cambelt probably snapped. I had this replaced just after buying the car early last year and by a different mechanic. Did he maybe use a cheaper belt instead of the better quality one? Should I remove this now and check if it's a cheap one? My main problem is what do I do with a knackered galaxy 1998 model? Do I get another engine put in and keep the value of the car or sell as is for spares and cut my losses? I know the decision is ultimately mine but would appreciate some comments from other galaxy owners. Roy