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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by dave11674

  1. hi i have a donor vehicle that has a lot of optional extras that the wife's dont have so rather than chop wires and splice here and there i was going to strip right down and do properly. but i know it has a few extra wires all over the shop. like our vehicle has a twisty knob kinda heater matrix and the donor has electornic. i would like to be able to put everything in the wifes :( but would need full loom diagrams if any1 can help greatly apreciated dave dave11674@hotmail.com
  2. hey mum of 4 how did it go and well said btw :( lol anyways i can usually sort teh milage out on these with my dashfixer uk it plugs directly into the vag-comport and will correct any milage new clocks would prolly be best way to go and then have the mialge set back to original dave pm sent
  3. ok i got a galaxy fro transplant parts i want to swap the entire trim as our galaxy was ex police and has screw holes all over place got a donor car thats got a nice interior so ive stripped all the front of the dash down all screws out but it just dont seem to want to move from teh back side down bottom of windscreen any1 any ideas ? is it bolted in from the blukhead and will i need to take wiper assembly awa to get at them thanks in advance dave
  4. has any1 got a service manual knocking about on their pc for the ford galaxy 2.8 V6 made year 2000 W-reg or round abouts ? if you would be so kind as to fire it over to me via email id be very gratefull :) thanks in adv dave (please pm me for my e-mail address)
  5. ok ive read thru this thread many a times looking for info on this so finally got myself under car and took pics as i did it :) take a look at this pic from underside front of car... http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c188/dave11674/galaxy1-1.jpg take notes of all 3 points point 1 = oil sump drain plug point 2 = filter drain plug point 3 = filter cap may not be correct names but as you look at the pic im sure ull understand :) to start with stick a can of STP in and idle for 5-10 mins to break down any gunk inside. DONT drive the vehicle with this STP in the engine. now get the vehicle jacked up and on axle stands if u feel safer i did this on my drive. now with galaxy up, i took out (1) and let drain into an old bucket. after 10 mins it was practically drained dry. now put sump plug back in (1) with a new washer (reccomended) and tighten up firmly. pull the bucket under the filter drain plug (2) and drain that for 5 mins. once drained replace plug (2) or bits of oil will drip down your arm whilst taking of the filter cap. now get your BIG half inch socket on the end of the filter cap(3) its a 36mm socket you'll need. twist anti-clockwist strongly but slowly if you know what i mean this cap is made of some kind of plastic so we dont want to rag it off :S once off ull see the old oil filter pushed up snugly inside..... http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c188/dave11674/galaxy7.jpg this is a pic of mine replaced with a new one it simply pulls down. pull old one out but take note of which way it came out, one end i think has a wider opening which goes up first. push new filter up in its place firmly. in your new filter box you should get a new round rubber seal. this replaces the one which is on the filter cap we have just removed i dipped my new one in the old oil just to lubricate it up a little and slid back on. now screw the filter cap (3) back on to hand tight and use ratchet to tighten it up a little more, not too much or it will crack and ur fooked lol. now replace the filter drain plug (2) and tighten up. if you didnt do so b4 your now ok to lower the car if everything is tightened back up to how you like and wont fall off car with vibrations. the galaxy v6 2.8 takes 5.7l oil ! ! ! i put the 5l bottle straight in and it came just above the mark. i left it like this as the oil is new and thick. so run for a week and check levels it will probably thin out and need topping up. few more pics..... http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c188/dave11674/galaxy3.jpg oil filter housing ^^ http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c188/dave11674/galaxy5.jpg oil filter removed^^ http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c188/dave11674/galaxy6.jpg filter cap (3) hope this helps some people out :) dave
  6. nice one piper im thinking of doing same thing lol but tempted to just go buy a big socket that goes on the bottom of the filter cap dave
  7. how did u get the oil filter cover off mate ?? ive tried adjustable spanner on bottom of it but it wont work ?!?!? do u need the chain tool thing and use it on top part ??? dave
  8. jokers mate would they still of charged u if the sound was still there ??? i think so stealers man, rippoffs dave
  9. hi guys i got me a ford galaxy 2000 w-reg 2.7 v6 174bhp model now i have this clunking......... so i took it to my mates garage he put it up on ramps, played about pulling and hanging on things under there lol when he took it out for a test drive it was gone ?!?!? 3 weeks later, today, its back so took it in and he came straight out for a drive with me, back to his garage we had it up on ramps, he was pulling and dangling on things again :D and noticed the OSF driveshaft turned and clunked a little so he was 90% sure it may be that drive shaft as the NSF drive shaft dont move at all when u try turn it or bang it. and you never guess what, when i took it out of garage the knocking had gone ?!?!?!?! so i need to source me a drive shaft, any1 know where i could get one from in leeds ? the motor is a galaxy w-reg 2000 2.7 v6 thanks in advanced dave
  10. hi guys i too have been getting a knocking/cruching noise from my OSF wheel down that way anyways so i took it to my mates garage he put it up on ramps, played about pulling and hanging on things under there lol when he took it out for a test drive it was gone ?!?!? 3 weeks later, today, its back so took it in and he came straight out for a drive with me, back to his garage we had it up on ramps, he was pulling and dangling on things again :D and noticed the OSF driveshaft turned and clunked a little so he was 90% sure it may be that drive shaft as the NSF drive shaft dont move at all when u try turn it or bang it. and you never guess what, when i took it out of garage the knocking had gone ?!?!?!?! so i need to source me a drive shaft, any1 know where i could get one from in leeds ? the motor is a galaxy w-reg 2000 2.7 v6 thanks in advanced dave
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