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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by jimbowley

  1. My 2000 Galaxy wipers have been struggling for a while now before packing up altogether, so I did the strip down. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to dismantle the car. And clearing out all the leaves and pine needles felt good. One of the spindles was very tight, needed a lump hammer and heat. The slightly less tight one was the most corroded, having lost nearly all of it's chrome plate. Everything was going well until I decided to place a mounting bolt on the battery, and then forgot about it during the ensuing slight struggle to get the mechanism back in place, forgot about it until I heard it bouncing off parts of the engine on it's way to it's new home. Tomorrows job is find the bolt or find a new one. It'll be interesting to see how long this patch-up lasts, any sign of wiper weakness and I'll try the drill method next time to get some more grease in.
  2. Tailgate lock doesn't turn. I might take it out and take it apart to give it a clean. Worrying thing is that in playing with the ex-passenger door lock, it shows a tendency to catch sometimes (at about 45 degrees) and has trapped my key twice whilst playing around with it off the car. Makes me think that the original trapped key might have worked loose with more time spent wiggling before I resorted to force. A remote locking kit is the best idea, as it saves wear on my (only) key.
  3. Solved. I'd left the passenger lock in the wrong position. All is good, except I'm now vulnerable to a single point of failure as the drivers door is the only working keyhole. Trip to the scrap yard would be sensible. Or new barrel kit.
  4. I had a drivers door lock problem. I thought I had it all solved as follows: The driver lock has a busted barrel. So I removed the passenger handle and put that in the drivers side. It worked fine. Then I put the drivers handle in the passenger side (with no paddle connection between the barrel and the lock). the passenger lock had been disconnected electrically. As I reconnected the top of the two electric harnesses to the passenger lock I got a shock as the door window suddenly came down (scary because my hand was inside the door). Then I connected the second harness. Now everything is back together, but when I turn the ignition off the front windows open. I can close them buy locking the door and keeping the key turned left. But the passenger door does not lock. What's the cause of that? Maybe I've left the passenger lock in the wrong position?
  5. I didn't use the angle grinder in the end. As I was trying to dissasemble the barrel from the inside using a screwdriver and force I managed to turn the mechanism and unlock the door. The paddle wasn't broken at the lock end, so it's drive at the barrel end must have been broken. Anyway, new problem = new topic :)
  6. Today I got the door panel off by hacking off the area around the screw and then yanking hard. Then I went to work on the passenger side and dissasembled the door lock to learn how it works. This pretty much confirmed that I'd have no chance at getting the handle out on the drivers side. I decided I needed to get the barrel out the way so I could get a screwdriver into where the paddle goes. So tried drillling it out, but after a while my drill snapped off. Tomorrow I'm going to attack the inside metal work with an angle grinder. To try and gain some access to the area.
  7. mk1 year 2000. The key jammed as I was locking it. Couldn't remove key from barrel. Forced it and broke something inside, the barrel now turns in the door, and the key comes out now. I assume lock is deadlocked now? It won't unlock when I use key in passenger door. I've taken my passenger door card off, as practice and because I was going to use the lock barrel. I'm pretty sure I can't get the drivers off, because of the door jamb stopping me getting screwdrivers in to lever the yellow clips, also car trim stopping the card being pulled away from the door, and finally there is an innacessible cross head screw on the door edge. Anyway, if I cut the door card away in the lock area, what do I do then? I'm looking at the passenger side and can hardly see inside, let alone get to anything???? help!
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