Sorry to revive this thread but I recently changed the battery and fob housing on my 02 Alhambra diesel.
Both fobs work on the buttons and car tries to start and then cuts out. Ive got the glow plug light flashing at me after a while.
Had the AA out and they tested the fuel pump. That was working, then they topped the oil up as it was just below minimum. Then still wouldn't start so he sprayed some easy start stuff into the breather box / near the injectors and it started very lumpy but then died when he stopped spraying.
He thinks it is the injectors that might have gone. Talking to my mate he thinks it could be the injector wiring loom that burns out a common VW PD issue.
I've recently sold my MGTF to fund the Alhambra and have done 600 mile of hassle free motoring so far.
Hoping this isn't something major. The car has done 177k and I will give it a service when this fault has cleared.
Until then.... I'm peasant wagon bound or might even dust off the push bike now the weather is warmer.
I'll check the brake lights first but my mate is coming round with his proper diagnostic laptop on Saturday.