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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by isolator42

  1. Factory fitted radio CD changer (wife's car, she likes it > I'm not allowed to change it) always switches on at volume 5. I read others switch on at the last set volume & I'd like that too. Anyone know how to change this? btw, if you have a 6006 CDC (& the means to pull it from the dash), this adaptor will add Aux-in to your stereo for just over
  2. ...same again last weekend - London > Pembroke Dock (SW Wales) > London (total approx 600 miles), fully loaded up... not a problem. Will need new tyres & I'll get the tracking done too...
  3. Our mk3 Galaxy made it to Brussells & back this weekend, full load & sustained 130kmh for durations we can only dream of in the UK (unless you are nocturnal). No smoke, no problems whatsoever. I'll keep an ear out on that turbo whistle, but for now I feel that there's no real problem.
  4. Well, my wife's recently purchased 56 plate mk3 2.0 TDCi Galaxy makes exactly the noise you describe. I had the car AA checked when we bought it a few weeks ago, & the turbo (amongst other things) was given a clean bill of health. Performance is fine with no excessive smoke issues. We're continuing onwards in the hope that it's isn't a problem - if anyone knows different, please shout! :) In any case, I would be somewhat wary of a Ford main dealer saying you need a new turbo unless you notice any performance or mechanical issues - lots of smoke, poor engine performance, etc. - the more traditional indicators of a damaged turbo. Of course, this Ford dealer my simply be erring on the side of caution, but life has taught me to be a bit cynical ;) Life has also taught me to find a local independent garage you can trust & give Ford main dealers a wide birth. A case in point: My 05 mk2 TDCi Focus I also bought recently had a full Ford service history from new - 8
  5. Our mk3 Galaxy (56 plate 2.0 TDCi) does this too. Is it indicative of imminent turbo issues? :mellow:
  6. I got my radio code FOC online, after some Googling. You could try here: http://www.pumapeople.com/decode.php
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