Well, my wife's recently purchased 56 plate mk3 2.0 TDCi Galaxy makes exactly the noise you describe. I had the car AA checked when we bought it a few weeks ago, & the turbo (amongst other things) was given a clean bill of health. Performance is fine with no excessive smoke issues. We're continuing onwards in the hope that it's isn't a problem - if anyone knows different, please shout! :) In any case, I would be somewhat wary of a Ford main dealer saying you need a new turbo unless you notice any performance or mechanical issues - lots of smoke, poor engine performance, etc. - the more traditional indicators of a damaged turbo. Of course, this Ford dealer my simply be erring on the side of caution, but life has taught me to be a bit cynical ;) Life has also taught me to find a local independent garage you can trust & give Ford main dealers a wide birth. A case in point: My 05 mk2 TDCi Focus I also bought recently had a full Ford service history from new - 8