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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford galaxy mk2 tdi
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    South East

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  1. Hi all thanks yes I can't see a leak from anywhere what can make it overheat I know the head is on it's way so what makes it boil up many thanks
  2. Hi have noticed the temperature gage playing about sits half way then drops down then back up to half way could this make it over heat or is this normal if head gasket is going or can this in itself cause problems many thanks great forum by the way
  3. Hi thanks for the help have noticed the temperature gage playing about sits half way then drops down then back up to half way could this make it over heat or is this normal if head gasket is going many thanks great forum by the way :)
  4. Hi can someone help I think the head gasket is on it's way out but don't want to get rid of the car been looking on eBay and see ther are lots of heads that have came of same engine as mine is it a case of just canging it with new bolts and gasket or is it still a very big job can some one tell me if this will work many thanks
  5. Yes thanks again do you know what causes so much pressure in the expansion bottle when cold won't even let me put water in when cold as rises over the max line ?
  6. Thanks very much a reply. What would be the best way to check the head gasket i have no slime in the expansion bottle or on the dipstick: or oil cap many thanks.
  7. Hi can someone help me out please my expansion bottle has got very high pressure so can't get a true reading when cold it's on the minimum mark and I undo the lid and it rises above the max so can't get a proper reading very high pressure any help would be great
  8. Hi can someone help me please I have a Ford Galaxy 1.9 TDI on a x reg. about three months ago had the Cambell changed ever since it has massively high pressure in the expansion bottle even when the vehicle is cold in the mornings. Would are big airlock do this ? as well I have also lost the rear heater in the rear of the car it blows cold as well. Today when my wife come home I noticed a puddle of antifreeze under the car I've had a look and it looks like it's coming out of the expansion bottle and boiled over. The temperature has stayed at 90 but my wife did say the heater was blowing hot and cold could this be the water pump on the car playing up any help would be much appreciated thank you very much tony
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