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  1. This One that Silverbeast said on eBay!........... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VAG-GROUP-USB-COM-PORT-OBD2-II-KKL-ECU-DIAGNOSTIC-CABLE-LEAD-VCDS-LITE-409-/161848933756?hash=item25aef2bd7c Kind Regards Gareth.
  2. I just Read This............. 01271 - Positioning Motor for Temperature Flap (V68): Faulty Possible Causes Wiring/Connectors from/to Positioning Motor for Temperature Flap (V68) faultyPositioning Motor for Temperature Flap (V68) blockedPositioning Motor for Temperature Flap (V68) faulty Possible Solutions Check Positioning Motor for Temperature Flap (V68)See Measuring Value Blocks (MVB)Perform Output TestPerform Basic SettingCheck/Repair Wiring and Connectors --------------------------------------------------------- 00926 - Terminal 30: Open Circuit Possible Causes Fuse(s) faultyWiring/Connectors from/to Control Module faulty Possible Solutions Check Fuse(s)Check Wiring/Connectors from/to Control Module What Fuse would this be?? I have just read and somewere it says ...............if the air is distributed to all the correct vents, the most likely cause is failure of the recirculation flap motor. It is a very common fault and you will have to take the dashboard out to replace it. You can normally tell if it is working by the change in noise when opened or closed. I gotta say when i turn my Heater on 3 or 4 it does make alittle noise im sure and when i turn it off i can defo tell the difference and when its on full seems as its also pulling alittle revs down with it? Kind Regards Gareth
  3. Rights guys i wonder if you can help me again!.... :5: I received my New USB Diagnostic Interface Cable today, after abit of messing about with few laptops i have here i got one with Win8 to work with cable and the Car. I plugged it into the Galaxy and Followed instructions on how to get Serial Number up and that went ok. I read Codes which didnt show any faults in Engine etc but did bring up 5 Faults when i Clicked on 08- AUTO HVAC and this picture below is what came up first which then said 5 Faults Found??.....After i took picture and read them i then Deleted Codes which i know wont do any good til i get them sorted as they will come back no doubt after i drive it again. http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac163/cooluk_123/Faults%20Before%20I%20Cleared%20Codes.jpg I have Disconnected the Rear Heater in Car from Underneath as it was Constantly Staying On the Motor Underneath the Car is this one of the Codes? Also part of the Aircon Pipe was Disconnected when i bought the Car as the guy told me it had a crack in it and he removed some of it and i have never replaced it as i never use the aircon anyway. The USB Cable today didnt come with any Manuals or anything which i am abit disappointed with as some say they come with Code Chart etc. Kind Regards Gareth.
  4. Thanks Silverbeast, Do you know what each values are meant to be like Air, Fuel and Lambda Sensor etc as I wouldnt know which is wrong on the Reading or would it come up with whats wrong or not? Can anybody enlighten me what are the common symptoms that i should be looking at for this fault i have?? Also has anybody got the VCDS Software or VCDS Lite or which ever one you guys think is the best one to use or a Link to the Free one. Kind Regards Gareth.
  5. Thanks again everybody for there help and advice, i went to order cable today but noticed VW Audi Seat Skoda USB Interface for VAG-COM 409.1 or VCDS Lite - most VAG 1996-2003???My Galaxy is 54 Plate?? Will this USB work with others or Only Cars upto 2003?? Kind Regards Gareth.
  6. Which cable and Software would you guys advise which will Defo work on my Ford Galaxy 54 Plate 1.9 Tdi Vw Engine and have 2 Laptops running Windows 7 and 10 i think! Kind Regards Gareth.
  7. I would like to say thank you for all your help, i phoned VW today and they said they couldnt fit it in today or anytime soon and would cost £45+?? Were would you all sugest i buy the Lead and Program from then? I have Win7 and 10 i think not sure son and daughter got them now so will have to try on Both maybe if one doesnt work. Does anybody know all values etc which should come up if correct or incorrect like Lambda Sensor, Air or Fuel? or maybe Injector Loom etc Kind Regards Gareth.
  8. Hi Brian, I have 2 Laptops? but thought it would be better to get somebody from VW to use there Top of the Range Vag Com Machine which alot of fitters say are the bees knees other than just a 3rd Party Reader? Would the VCDS lite do the same with a Laptop and show Air or Fuel or Lambda Sensor? Just read about the USB Cable to work with VCDS Lite and it says ... Note: This item cannot work with windows7, windows8, vista and ipad??..... all mine have newer Windows on! Kind Regards Gareth
  9. Is there any other way of finding the problem? weather its Air, Lambda or Maf..... Is there anybody on here from Wales that could have a look for me obviously im willing to Pay. Im sure i tried another Mass Airflow Meter and was same? Kind Regards Gareth.
  10. Cheers for your replies very much appreciated. Brian do you think its a Lambda Sensor or MAF?? Would it be worth me asking VW if they could do a check on there Expensive Reader!!..........As tried a few other Readers no Codes or Faults?? Kind Regards Gareth.
  11. Hi There, I have a Ford Galaxy 1.9 Tdi 54 Plate, I have spent alot of money on this vehicle since i owned it just over 18mths as im very fussy its had nearly everything Brand New Including Recon Gearbox, New Dual Mass Flywheel, Clutch Kit and Cylinder ( Twice as first one faulty asap ), New Map Sensor etc etc and just Removed and Clean the EGR Valve and Pipes so back like new. Im really hoping someone can help me with an issue I seem to have with my galaxy, I did do a search on other threads and although there are some with similar symptoms I cant seem to find an answer. When driving at Low Speeds/Revs and usually in 2nd or 3rd gear I seem to get what I can only describe as a stutter? It feels similar to tapping the brake pedal lightly whilst driving but not as harsh as kangarooing, but noticible to me and passengers. If you push the accelerator down whilst its doing this then the car obviously speeds up and problem dissapears. I can also hear like a woo woo noise when slowly driving low speeds now and then but shouldnt be Dual Mass or Clutch as ive had it done twice as 1st one was faulty within no time and had gearbox recon aswell as gearbox man told me to check middle shaft and he was right abit of play! could it be a gear problem the woo woo noise? The Hesitate/Stutter Only seems to be at Low Speed/Low Revs and usually only in 2nd or 3rd gear i have put it on a few Machines but says No Faults?? My friend had similar problem with driving at low speeds/revs and turned out to be EGR Valve, so i removed mine last week completely and clean it properly and tried to see if Valve was going up and down like it should and it was like it should. I put it all back together thinking thats sorted that but it didnt!! I have serviced the Car regular and my thinking is that its a fueling or air issue as problem goes away under acceleration or when driving at speeds more than 40-60mph when driving on Motorway its Lovely doesnt miss a Heart Beat?? I would appreciate all the help i can get and if anybody Lives Near Tenby in Wales i will Pay for them to put on Genuine Machine as these Cheapies dont give all readings needed. Please E-mail me at: topgazza@aol.com as i may not get Notifications from here thank you: Kind Regards Gareth.
  12. Please would you send me good few Pictures and price etc to: topgazza@aol.com Thanks Gaz.
  13. Please would you send me good few Pictures and price etc to: topgazza@aol.com Thanks Gaz.
  14. Hi All, I have the standard Cd Player in my Galaxy 54 Plate 1.9 TDi but i would like to change it to one that will allow bluetooth connection to my phone, can any of you recommend one and do i have to connect Speaker in Car etc or anything else. Thanks Gaz.
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