Hi all, On way to garage next week as I have a few issues.But id like to have some info first if possible. Thought id give car a bit of blast ,,Could not get the car go over 80. Car got to 70 no probs and accelerated ok.No warning lites came on and I noticed it would not go over 4000 revs.Tried it again but still the same.Ive read about map sensors,is it worth buying one.Also how can you locate turbo for visual oonspection of pipes. Car has been great but it seams to have more faults recently ,it sounds noisy as well and aslo for the first 5 mins when I take my foot OFF the accelaator (in gear or not) I get a tinging noise cant find anything lose. Still getting 45mpg on motorway fully loaded and roof box,seems a shame to get rid of.1.9tdi Thanks in advance