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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  1. Hi,not sure if this is the right place to post this..? I just wanted to thank everyone on this wonderful forum for all the help and advice they have given me over the past few years. I have a 1.9 TDI (1999) and the old girl has nearly 200,000 on the clock & provided good service to my family of 7. During the time I have had her, I have regularly asked questions about faults i have encountered. The one that sticks in the mind, is the replacement of the relay (109) that controls the diesel pump, which even baffled breakdown services & garages. With the step by step guide, I managed to change it in an hour. Alas, the old girl is in need of a rest & a friend of mine is getting rid of his 57 Grand Espace, so I am reluctantly saying goodbye to my dear old galaxy for something a bit newer. This is actually proving to be a really sad time as the galaxy has served me well.(and TBH, I am not sure whether the Espace will be as good?) Thanks again for all your help, advice & encouragement that you have given over the years. There were times when I was really down about my car not working & you have all been great. I expect i will return again some time. Cheers guys, Steve
  2. Silly question I guess .... but why are you changing it ?
  3. Thanks for the reply. Just seen oil on floor below the car ! :D Guess its time to look for a new pump.
  4. Hi guys. Mrs has just come home and said " The steering is making a funny noise" I took the galaxy for a drive and the steering is perfect..... except for a horrible, whining noise. I opened the filler and the oil was very frothy, so I topped it up. I dont know if I overfilled it, but the noise is still there and now the oil is coming out of the breather in the cap. Just took the car out again & again, the steering seems fine, except for the whining noise :lol: Any thoughts ?? Many thanks.
  5. Does the glow plug light come on ? My money is still on relay 109. Mine failed....got homestart out....diesel at injectors...."Well, it should start sir"...but it didnt ! Wire up the soleniod to the battery...... butterfly clips either end of a cable. Easy, nothing to lose
  6. I know you said you had checked the relay's but this sounds like a classic "Relay 109" problem. If the relay is the problem, my understanding is that it is just like turning the ignition off. If on the move, the car will just lose power and stop. If stationary, the engine will spin until the battery is flat, but will not fire. When the engine just spins, but wont start, does the glow plug light come on ? No glow plug light....relay 109 is the problem. You can check this by running a cable from the top of the fuel solenoid to the +ve terminal of the battery. If the glow plug light comes on, the car should now start and relay 109 is the problem. More info here. http://forums.tdiclub.com/showthread.php?t=199398 Scroll down to sitaution 1. and here : http://forums.tdiclub.com/showpost.php?p=1...amp;postcount=6 Hope this helps.
  7. Sounds like battery. If Relay 109 was to blame, the engine would spin and spin, but never fire.
  8. Have you run that cable ??
  9. Try running a cable from the top of the fuel solenoid (Under the TDI cover in the enging Dept), to the +ve terminal of the battery. If the engine now starts, (glow plug lights come on as usual), then it looks like relay 109. 2 min job to change relay....but bit of a pain to find the relay Look here for more info....http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=8810&st=0&p=68423entry68423. This shows how to get to the relay panels...relay 109 is in a similar position to relay 30...you will see a big 109 stamped on it. Only difference is that this links shows a Mk 2, and the mk 1 does needs a slightly different trim removal to get to the relays. If the ignition makes a series of beeps when the car is turning over, I think this indicates a possible cam sensor issue. Again, lots of info about it on here. Good luck.
  10. No problem. Some good info here .... http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...amp;#entry68423
  11. If your car is a diesel, I reckon its relay 109 that is the problem. Typical symptom is car starting Ok from cold, but just spinning over but not always firing when engine is warm. Another give away is the glow plug light NOT coming on when ignition is turned on. You can check this by running a wire from the top of the fuel solenoid to the +ve terminal of the battery. (the fuel solenoid is under the big TDI cover under the engine) have a look here for more info. http://forums.tdiclub.com/showthread.php?t=199398 hope this helps
  12. Petrol wont have a relay 109....I think relay 30 is similar ? Mine is a diesel and I had the same problem as you and changing relay 109 fixed the problem. it certainly looks like relay 30 does a similar job In the 2nd reply from mirez, click on the link and follow the steps from step 4 onwards.... you dont need steps 1 - 3 for the Mk 1 Galaxy.
  13. Is your car a diesel ? It sounds like it could be a relay 109 problem to me. If this relay goes...and they are a known fault, its just like turning the ignition off...loss of all power. When you try to start it, before you spin the engine, does the glow plug light come on ? No glow plug light....relay 109 is the problem. Do you hear the diesel solenoid "click" when you turn the key ? Try putting a wire from the top of the diesel solenoid (under the cover on top the the engine) to the +ve battery terminal. If the car now starts, it points to a dodgy relay 109. I found this on one site... If the engine shuts off suddenly during normal driving and you don't see the glow plug light go on during failed restarts then replace the black relay 109 with the newer gray relay 109 (1996-2003 cars only, under the steering wheel). It sometimes cools and lets you restart. The problem with black relay 109 was bad soldering. This relay controls power to the ECU and prevents the glow plug light from coming on at all during failed restarts. more info here on relay 109 ... http://forums.tdiclub.com/showpost.php?p=1...amp;postcount=2 and here for diesel solenoid (near bottom of page) ....... http://forums.tdiclub.com/showpost.php?p=1...amp;postcount=6 Hope this may help. Good luck.
  14. Nice one.... although if its "just cleared", it really could be relay 109 fault. If this relay fails, it will occasionally "fix" itself and all will be ok for a while. If you have trouble again, keep an eye out for that glow plug light!! Hope its fixed. !
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