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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    ford galaxy 1.9tdi
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    West Midlands

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  1. Thanks! I tried to link my old brake pads photos onto this website, it is not working, I registered with photo bucket and got the url link. It is just end up failed to post on this website.
  2. yes, that is right, the disks are wearing uneven as well, but I did not change them. Actually, I have bought a set of front break disks and two sets of break pads in the house, the reason that I did not change the disks is that I want to ensure what is the problem of causing that. The disks are not too bad anyway. I lubricated the guide pins with silicone lubricant. And one thing I want to know is that you retract you caliper pistons and if the fluids squash out from the bleed nipple, that means the pistons are working fine, please correct me if my understand is wrong. How do you verify a brake hose is bad? Thanks
  3. Hi all! I managed to take brake calipers on both front side, the brake pads has fall into two slices on the drive side. And on the passenger side, the inner side has two slices, the outer side is a complete pad. I also noticed both inners side pads are thinner than the outer side. I have replaced the brake pads on both sides. As I am new to DIY, so I am not sure whether this is normal. I tried to upload the photos of the brake pads have been taken off for better explanation, it seems impossible on this site. Thanks for the advices
  4. Really appreciate!!! The disk and pads are looked fairly well.. When I spanned the driver side wheel, I did not hear any noise but fairly hard to turn. I would take the wheels off again in the sunny day and check it thoroughly. Thanks
  5. Quite strange to me, as I just bought this vehicle near a month ago, it is 54 plate. The problem is not always there, for the most of time, it is running perfectly, only sometimes, the front drive side wheel just feeling break through something and then go back to normal, perfectly normal. And sometime, the squeaky noises come from the driver side wheel when I was driving on the road, it is not loud and you can only hear it when you open your driver side window, and again, for the most time, it is running perfectly normal without noises. I noticed the driver side wheel harder to turn than the passenger side when I jacked the car up. I noticed this happens more often in a tight turn. For the first time I noticed this problem, I replaced the two front tyres, and nothing changed. Many thanks for advices
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