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    Alhambra Stylance 140 2009
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    East Midlands

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  1. Not much different then, I know you normally lose a few MPG on autos but I'm not that far off the mark then. What year is it?
  2. It’ll be boost pipe with a split in it by the sounds of it, it’ll prob be a bit down on power as well I’d imagine. Should be like a loud hiss that shuts up when you come off the gas
  3. Hi all. Have just had to retire my faithful X reg Sharan with 230k on the clock, she was great reliable bus which I knew would get me anywhere I wished her to but, MOT time was getting closer and the tin worm wasn’t getting any better....RIP!!! I am now the proud owner of a 2009 2.0 TDI Alhambra sport. Lovely car to drive although does have her faults (180k on clock so to be expected). Just wondered on the fuel figures of other people with the later MK2’s as I was getting mid 40’s out of my Sharan but am struggling to hit mid 30’s with the Alhambra. Not sure if it’s DPF or not as not been underneath yet. Just curious on other people’s figures. Thanks
  4. It only rattled under load at low revs and would clear as the revs picked up
  5. How many miles has it done? I’ve just retired my 2000 Sharan with 230k on the clock. That was smokey on start even with new glow plugs. Also rattled under load but think it was because I’d had the solid clutch conversion
  6. Try swapping the front wheels for the back ones, you could have lost a weight off one of your wheels?
  7. Could be a faulty temp sensor confusing the system
  8. Just another possibility, reading through another thread someone had very similar problems and the actual cause was the conections on the board where relay 53 plugs into had opened up too much so the relay wasn't making a proper connection, the relay was still fine. Just an idea, it took them an auto electricion to diagnose this though as they were out of ideas!
  9. If you've been near the battery then first thing i'd check are the fuses under the plastic flap on top of the battery and make sure none are burnt out
  10. I've just had to replace a very weak and tired pump on mine so lift pump failure is possible
  11. Yep 100% they have a lift pump in the tank, you get to it by removing the seats and rear carpet to get to the access panel, it's situated under the middle row of seats behind the driver
  12. First layer of relays, you'll find 1 with 53 on it, that's your fuel pump relay. I only know this as i'm having problems with 53 myself at the moment! Just an idea. Best of luck
  13. Most of the fuses are behind the panel to the right of the steering wheel down below and it just pulls open so no need to dismantle the dash, does sound like a fuse as i'm sure you have 1 fuse for up and 1 for down on front and back
  14. Yes in the process of that now, have eliminated relays 109 and 53 as with replacements fitted still identical symptoms, if you crank it over for ages you can get the filter to fill, it'll run ok on tickover but as soon as you rev for any period of time or try to drive it splutters, cuts out and the filter is near empty again. Suspecting a very weak and tired 204k fuel pump!
  15. When mine started lurching it was the EGR valve, pull the rubber pipe off the silver bit on the top of the engine and take it for drive, if it stops it then your EGR needs taking off and cleaning, or even better cleaning and then blanking off so it can't get blocked again!
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