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Everything posted by Confused.colin

  1. Thanks very much for the advice. Turns out relay 30 had a dodgy joint and needed repair, so ECU had lost power. This was the reason I wasn't getting anything from the ECU - a blob of solder on relay 30 meant that my OBD2 reader was then able to pick up the fault codes. VCDS lite works well for the non-engine modules (as these are still VAG compatible). Cheers everyone
  2. Thanks very much for your response - I understand what you mean about the VW modules I have read some other posts which say that I should be able to read the ECU using a standard OBD2 reader (For example - http://www.forum.fordmpv.com/smf2/ford-galaxy-reference-library/ford-galaxy-software-solutions-(vag-com-vcds-vagtacho)/ ) Is that true, and if so, do you have any idea why my OBD2 reader could not connect, and when I ran the ODB2 connection test from VCDS, it said the car was not OBD2 compliant?
  3. Hi, I've been trying to read fault codes from my 04 2.3L Petrol Galaxy. Following the advice of some posts on this site, I downloaded VCDS lite and also purchased a basic OBD2 reader (as the Mk2 2.3 Petrol Galaxy has a Ford Engine Module and therefore needs the OBD2 reader). One or two of the peripheral modules could be connected to with VCDS and I managed to read the stored fault code in one of them, however most of them refused the connection. I also found that the OBD2 reader could not connect and when I ran the OBD2 query in VCDS Lite, it told me that my car was not OBD2 compatible. So I'm a bit lost now; I really wanted to look for fault codes on the engine module, but don't know how to connect. Does anyone have any advice or a recommended model of OBD2 reader that should work with my model? Thanks in advance!
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