i have an alhanbra that i'm selling that goes into limp mode @ 65-70 mph and just over 2k revs on the motorway but i can take it over 3k in 1st, 2nd, 3rdd and just about 4th but will go into limp mode in 5th and 6th if i go over 2k reves and i belive it's the turbo vanes stuck up with soot ,there are many topics on this including the innotech tratment that's listed on ebay item http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/220934225460?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 . back to the galaxy i'm sure it should take off alot quicker as it could be dangerous for a new driver pulling out of a junction etc with no power ,the alhambra has plenty of boost from the first press of the pedal ,as it is i'd rather have lag than no speed on the motorway and the galaxy is in much better condition . turbo lag topics/questions i can't seem to find any answers ???