Hi all I've got a mark 2 Sharan 1.9 tdi that I'm using some of the time as a campervan. I've gradually made some "improvements" as you do, and I've been looking at the nsr trim panel for ages wondering what's behind it and whether there's any useable space, always an issue with campervanning. Got round to removing it yesterday to find the whole space taken up by the rear heater unit. Or at least I assume it's just a heater despite a label on it saying air conditioning unit. I can only see a couple of 1 inch rubber pipes going in and two electrical connectors, and I'm assuming the pipes are for hot coolant from the engine. I've done a bit of searching on here and it seems like that's one of the possible arrangements. Anyway it's a big lump and I could find a hundred and one uses for the space. It looks like a straightforward job to remove it and link up the pipes to maintain coolant circulation, either at the heater end or in the engine bay which is probably the better idea, I'm assuming I could take one pipe off, cut the other one a foot or so long and join it back to the open manifold or whatever (haven't actually checked this bit yet.) Then top up the fluid. So the question is will I be giving myself headaches that I can't forsee with this plan? As with most things in the car my experience is that things are always more complicated than they look, so any thoughts from those in the know would be much appreciated. Cheers Bruce.