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Everything posted by nwilkins83

  1. Ah thanks Silverbeast, that backs up what the Hartwells mechanic said "not shown on our drawing" I think we have to assume that these washers may not be fitted to Mk 2 models?
  2. Thanks Silverbeast, yes a picture paints a thousand words, washers 17 and 18 were not found to be present on my M2 galaxy. What is a TIS?
  3. So nothing to do with the hub bolt washer that was in place..
  4. Or rather these washers are shown in the Haynes manual as being the other side of the cv joint.
  5. Dave, these washers are the other side of the cv joint, not the hub side.
  6. Thanks for your input Dave, has anyone not found the fore mentioned dished washer and thrust washer in place on the MK2 outer drive shaft when replacing the cv joint or rubber gaiter? Or was this fitted to all M2 models? cant get the spare parts from Ford, cant get a straight answer from Ford! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez help.
  7. Hartwell mechanic just said there diagram does not show a Thrust Washer or a Dished Washer... Interesting... Any one else had any dealing's with this?
  8. Hello All, My Ford Galaxy 2001 model (MKII I believe) just failed its MOT due to a split front outer gaiter. Upon removing the outer cv joint the Haynes manual also notes to remove the thrust washer and a dished washer.... Neither were anywhere to be seen! - I have checked the CV joint and no remains of either can be found inside that.... Firstly does the 2001 model have the thrust and dished washers? Secondly do I need them when reattaching everything? Many Thanks
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