Hi all I've had a look on here first but cant seem to find my alarm module!!! I've only had the car for about two weeks, she's a 1999 V reg 1.9TDI ghia X. The car came with two keys looks like the driver's lock has been changed as the key for that only opens that door. I can lock the car using the key, the indicators flash and the red led on the driver's door also flash but it wont lock on the button on the keys. I have done what it says in the hand book to reprogram them, also went to my local ford dealer they tried it and nothing but the machanic told me it could be water thats got into it. I had a look but I cant see it under the passenger seat. There is a plastic surround under the seat runners with quite a large bit to the rear of the floor. Could it be under that? As I've said I've looked on this site for info first, is their anyware else it can be? I've also read about wires breaking in the gaitor between the doors/boot and car, i have found one wire broke going to the tailgate. (well only one thread holding on) with a few wires on the rear passenger door's aswel as the tailgate, reconected as such. Not a very good job done still some wire showing through the conector ends, will sort them out tommorow.