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Everything posted by Sylray

  1. Maybe a nice add-on for all our cars go to Ebay, and search for "GPS Tracker". Order one of less then 40 pound (or even the 10 pound ones which they advertise for motor) order 2 GiffGaff SIM cards (at no cost) from http://giffgaff.com/orders/affiliate/raystur (yes my affiliate link, but that gives you free 5 pound extra credit (and me to) Every time you topup this prepayed/pay as you go card you have unlimited FREE texts to other GiffGaff numbers (your 2nd number) 1st topup is 10 pound, after 3 months you just do a 5 pound to keep it unlimited put the SIM in the Tracker, and set it up following included instructions. If you want to know where your card is, just call it and it will text you back its location. you can set a geofence, or let it text you every x miles. It even can send you a Google Maps link, do on the receiving number just click the link and you know where your tracker is(or at least its last location (if stored out of GPS reach) so invest max 60 pound with returning cost of 5 pound each 3 months and you can ALWAYS see where your car is, (set a geofence on the shopping centre to know when your wife is shopping again, or around the house to know when the car is coming home again Alarm is great, but those are disabled, this device hidden under the dashboard will work for a few days after power is lost(disconnected battery) It even sends a last text and location if the battery is running out want to know more, feel free to contact me
  2. ok, i have now found someone who made schematic of the cruise control module, and i can't find an easy solution to add the buttons. so I create a new project. I am going to get a Arduino. what is a 15 pound device. it has digital and analog in/out ports and has a serial bus. the things to read out are, speed (easiest of to take the pulse from the original detector. or can even use a gps for that) brake, clutch, activate/deactivate button, up button, down button, and lets create some programmable memory buttons. as out going signals I need to control the vacuum pump, notification lights when on/off . I need to write the software for it, but that should be an easy job as the process is not that hard. adding some relays as additional safety to prevent a software failure to increase speed after releasing the pedals. more ideas to think of before i start? (I expect this project not costing me more than 25-30 pound (using excising buttons there where possible)
  3. Hi viper, is the vacuum part working at yours? (disconnect at pump and such ;-) Does the pump work (power with 12 while removed from car. Are your switches working (brake and clutch) the electrical part and the vacuum part of them. Further it is electric so Les easy to test
  4. Thanks viper, will test that tomorrow. So then only a step down/slower would be a nice extra
  5. ok, then would be the question again, would it be possible to add them. does anyone with a MK2 have vagcom and can tell what module is in there? if that is the same, it must be possible. I only have to find out where to connect (and maybe update software of something)
  6. so the SET button on a switch? (sorry I am not native english (dutch)) and am not familiar with the term stalk and rocket switch) I am going to look in the car now, to see if i can find what you are telling
  7. don't think. the control with the switch and set button only controls the cruisecontrol on/of/preset the indicators, and the head light(bright one) in the images attached you see the controls i have (the MK buttons on the right took me a week to be found, so yes i is possible that i have missed something else) I have looked in the haynes manual to the electrical diagrams but it down not show anything of the cruise control. I have to re read the dataport, but only stored the found devices partial, (and the cruise control is not in the list. but maybe someone recognizes these readings and know the type of CC in it Address 03: ABS Brakes Protocol: KW1281 Controller: 1J0 907 379 D Component: ABS 20 IE CAN 0001 Coding: 12812 Shop #: WSC 00020 Address 08: Auto HVAC Protocol: KW1281 Controller: 7M0 907 040 AS Component: CLIMATRONIC MPV V110 Coding: 00014 Shop #: WSC 00020 Address 09: Cent. Elect. Protocol: KW1281 Controller: 7M0 962 258 F Component: Multifunkt.Einheit 0001 Coding: 04097 Shop #: WSC 00021 Address 15: Airbags Protocol: KW1281 Controller: 1J0 909 603 AA Component: AIRBAG VW3 - V04 Coding: 16705 Shop #: WSC 00000 Address 17: Instruments Protocol: KW1281 Controller: 95V W10 849 95- Component: JG biinstrument 066a Coding: 00124 Shop #: WSC 00021 Will do a new search for modules later to identify the CC
  8. Does anyone know if it is possible to add up/down buttons to the cruise control who now only has the on/of/res and set button It would be nice to change the speed a little after setting it, and would be nice to change the now non used radio control on the steering wheel as a up/down control.
  9. I have found it and have repaired it, not my Cruise control works The white pipe under the battery ends above the brake reservoir where it goes to a silicone tube again, showing exactly the same signs as at the side of the pump. this is a 50cm hose which is connected to a T connector just above the brake pedal, which connects to the brake, and to another T connector which goes to the clutch and to the gas pedal controller. if at any of these places the vacuum is released the gas can not stay activated so that is the build in security. the hose connected to the white pipe was teared and i replaced this for a new one, ordered on Ebay for 3.75 inc delivery (2M length) from the inside of the car, behind the fuse box, I pushed the new hose trough the hole. It showed up near the air inlet of the engine. (I removed the air filter pipe to be able to access the Cruise control hose) If the new hose does not want to go trough the hole, use some washing liquid as lubricant. After I found where the old broken hose was located, I have fixed it in around 20 minutes including dismounting and mounting everything needed (Air inlet, Fusebox) sorry for my cryptic description, I am not native english and don't know every word to describe.
  10. Hey guys, question about the aftermarket remotes. I like the option to hold me dorset key in open or close position to open or close my window's. Is It possible to port the windows features also to a remote control?
  11. The date I read on the cover of my fuse box is (98 05 26 17) don't know what exactly the date on my v5 is. It would be nice to have something without need to install additional hardware. (but will give that a look anyway)
  12. I have a 1998 Galaxy 2.3 Ghia X and got only one key with it and no remote control I don't think this is the original as the W3 / HAA printed in this does not come back on 1999 cars I found online The key works as it should on all doors and locks, and starts normal. but I would also like to have a remote for my car. this can be a remote key, or a separate controller but which model should work on my car?
  13. Lets continue this post. I have found and repaired the hose mounted to the pump which had the issues mentioned. but this did not solve my issue. I did read there are more collections, but can't find them. I can hear another leak when I blow/suck the hose which connects to the pump. I hear this somewhere else under the bonnet but can't locate this. Is there someone who has a photo showing where the white tube goes to, and where it connects to another rubber hose(which can be the other leaking end) (I ordered a Haynes manual, so also hope this can show me where to look.)
  14. Thanks. I think it is not working. so am going to search to the issue behind the left side indicator i did read about. (And i think I have to see if i can find someone local who has vagcom or something. (I would love to have a look inside) so if there is someone living in north dorset. (I live in DT10) and has diagnostic software(and hardware) to read out my 2.3 1998 Ghia
  15. Yea, will give it A search later. But I guess it does mean cutting the cables in by one and extend With a new wire (sealing each wire With a heat crimp socket over it(sorry don't know the official English name for it (Dutch krimpkous))) Does someone know if there is a digital user manual for the galaxy 2.3 ghia X 1998 There are a lot of things I have to figure out how they work (for example I have a "res" switch at the left side of the steering wheel, don't know ow what it does)
  16. mainly making sure we got enough candy and some toys from the store we where in front off. And the oldest (almost 7) will learn how to solder in not to long, I am doing a training with him for HAM radio licence, and also include some real electronics (not needed for the 1st level, but always nice to do) and further just ignore the complaining ;-) (now up to the next points. non working left rear door locking(electronicly) and the right rear door window not opening/closing)
  17. Thanks to mickdon from me. Today I did get my 1999 galaxy 2.3 which did run fine the 1st few miles (30 miles) but after parking the car at a store, it did not wanted to start. someone passing by told me it was the cam / rail sesor or something, and that after cooling-off for 2 hours it most of the time works again. I did find this also as common issue, but the blinking led in my door pointed to the relay 30. so I tried to find that, but did not know how to access it (I have no manual nothing with the car, so if someone knows where to find the documentation of my 1999 2.3 ghia X..) with the images posted by Mickdon I was able to see how to reach the relays, and opened the relay. i notices a loose contact. and tried the relay without its case, and by moving it a little i could start again, sadly when releasing it stopped again. but at least i know it could work. I was in front of a Range store do did buy a soldering iron and solder. but was not allowed to use it in store (health and safety rules), and also a restaurant nearby had the same reason of not being able help me. luckily i was able to hind a residential home who let me in en use their energy to power my soldering iron. I did solder the loose contact. and went back to the car. IT STARTED. now everything back to its place (also not that easy) but we where able to drive home cooling off time of the car 3 hours, which did not work. accessing and fixing the relay 1 hour so 4 hours after being stranded with 3 children (age 3,4 and 6) and a 35 weeks pregnant wife. we could continue our trip to home. Thanks Forum, Thanks mickdon
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