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The Ageless Stranger

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About The Ageless Stranger

  • Birthday 05/19/1974

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    '54 Galaxy 2.3 Auto Ghia
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  1. I have...but I know I will make a pigs ear of it - I tend to be a bit slap-dash and don't really want to risk it to be honest Would rather shell out a bit more, and get the right one...I think, the thing that puts me off is removing the bumper :lol:
  2. Hi all... I have a 2004 2.3 Ghia Automatic, and am looking for a towbar for pulling a small trailer (I couldn't afford the petrol to pull anything else)! :lol: I don't want to have the bumper cut unless it's absolutely necessary, and the car is fitted with rear parking sensors (which already have a fault). :lol: I was wondering if anyone could recommend me a fitter that was ideally reasonably cheap but also reputable - an oxymoron if ever there was one! :D I am in the Cheshire/Manchester area... Thanks in advance Rob
  3. Erm.....I know for a fact that my wife could easily take on the mantle for the Talking (about nothing) and Shop Dithering categories. I believe that this information is now out of date, as like all things, all categories - including tag team toilet trips and both General and Specialist gossipmongering have become a more professional passtime than they were in the early nineties. I put this down to the interference of Rupert Murdoch in trying to get these events onto PPV. (I know it cost me a fortune every year to see and hear the Mrs practising for the bi-weekly world talking and puchasing crap championships) :rolleyes:
  4. :D Wolfie - I have my own list to get through first. But I would be more than happy to oblige once that bridge has been crossed :D Mumof4 - That is why I needed the silver coffin currenly lying on the living room floor. I could easily get a small family inside it :D :D Seriously though, I realise that it is a safety thing, but was just wondering whether it could be done.
  5. Nope, When the battery first went flat, I sat in the car and locked it using the central locking fob just to make sure that everything was switched off. Will have to get it looked at properly when she gets back after the weekend. I presume if it is the temp sensor thats gone bad that it should be replaced under warranty as it was first reg'd in October 2004? If not, am I looking at shelling out another lump? <_< Cheers
  6. There are deffinitley no lights being left on. We did get some screens plumbed in last week, but I know for a fact that they are wired up so they only work when the ignition is on. So it will be unlikely to be that. It seems to be the rear of the engine compartment - round near the battery area, but it's hard to pin down really. I'm going off memory of what I heard last week as she is near Windermere and I'm in Warrington. She rang earlier complaining about having to take 4 kids on a 6 mile walk to the shops to get something for tea <_< I just managed to supress a giggle on the phone (God, I hope she never reads this) :D
  7. Thanks for the very quick replies... To answer the question - Yes, it is a "fan" type noise, but very quiet. I would love to leave them up there, unfortunately, I bought a roof-box for them, which came (unsuprisingly) the day after they left. So I have a 6' shiny silver coffin in the front room until they get back, as there is nowhere else for it to go <_< I will probably replace the battery when they get back anyway, but just wanted to make sure that it wasn't something else more problematic that could cause the new battery the same trouble 1st.
  8. Hi all, I have a problem with my Gal. When it hasn't been used for a couple of days (at the most) the battery is totally flat. I can hear something under the bonnet whoch sounds like a small motor or something similar running constantly and was wondering what it was, and if that could be the cause of my problem. Once the car has been jump started it is fine for a few days, and then it goes dead again. My wife and kids are stuck in the Lake District at the moment <_< It's a 2004 2.3 Ghia Auto Any advice? Cheers
  9. Does anyone know of a way to bypass the Sat Nav display, so that Aux video will play whilst the car is in motion? I have installed an Aux input device which I bought from another member, and all is working well, until the car reaches about 10mph, and then there is a message displayed and the video cuts off. Would be perfect if I can just get around this little problem. :P Cheers
  10. I got my install finished yesterday - I'll post pics when I get 5 minutes. The module for the video to be displayed on the MFD works a treat (while stationary) but the picture goes off once moving. I know that this is a safety aspect built into the system, but is there any way to fool the car into thinking that its stationary in order to get around this at all? Perhaps I have opted for the wrong module? Thanks to all that have inspired me to finally get this sorted - my kids are chuffed to bits! Rob
  11. Looking at getting a few more bits and bobs for my upcoming install. I have the Sat Nav system in my '54 Galaxy Ghia, but I'm not sure which of these items (if either of them) will be required to add the DVD/TV to the screen. There seems to be quite a difference in price, although the cheaper one gives 2 inputs compared to 1 with the more expensive. This isn't a concern, as the input is going to be run through a switch box anyway. It's just the connectors that are different. If anyone knows which of these are compatible please let me know. PS - I already have a CD multi-changer installed in the rear pocket by the previous owner - would this need to come out, or be added to the switch box? Or can it be left in place also? :lol: Cheers http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/AV-MFD-Multimedia-In...1QQcmdZViewItem or http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VIDEO-DVD-Adapter-f-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  12. Hi all, I've just bought 2 Necvox RE-9269 monitors to fit into my Galaxy but have just had a thought. Will there be anyway to seperate the IR frequency from the 2 monitors? Ideally I want dual channel audio for headphones in the 2 passenger rows, ie - one row watching a DVD and one watching a TV etc... I never thought about this before, but would I need a dual channel transmitter connecting or is the Necvox capable of dual channel transmitting itself? I've looked all over for details on this. Hopefully, some kind soul on here might know? Also, can anyone recommend a decent DVB-T receiver? Seen them from
  13. Thanks Bleeno :ph34r: thats just the job - now, just need to find out where to get it cheap from :P
  14. I have decided to go with a 9" roofmount monitor with underseat DVD player installation in our Galaxy. I also want to have the option of adding a PS2 to the system at a later date, aswell as having DVB-T received - once the kids have seen a DVD, they either watch it over and over again, or never watch it again so this way, theres something for them to watch all the time. I also want the option of receiving this on my MFD sat nav screen. Now, I know that I need an adaptor for the Sat Nav as I have searched the forums and read up on this. I also know that I need a PS2 power supply locating somewhere handy, as the PS2 will be removed from the vehicle. However, the roof mounted screen has 1 output, and 2 inputs built into it - (hopefully, the output can be wired up via the adaptor to the sat nav screen). But with the DVD/PS2/DVB-T that I would like, I appear to be 1 input short. Is there a way of adding another input to the screen via a splitter type unit, or is this a no-goer? I always want what I can't have! :o Cheers Rob
  15. Cheers BagPuss, I have had a look at your install in the past - it was one of the installs that "talked" me into giving it a go. I'm sure someone mentioned that the roof vents meant that the screen was either positioned too far back so the passengers were likely to get a stiff neck looking at it, or it was too far forward meaning that it interfered with the driver and front passenger? I have ordered a Necvox 9" screen, and a rear mounted DVD/DivX player anyway, (both from eBay) and will see when it all arrives. I might have to go for the headrest option, but they are doughnuts, and I don't fancy the idea of the pre-installed screens as they are only available in the leather look and I have a beige velour seat fabric. Plenty of time to think it over, as the car was supposed to be collected on Friday, only to be told that it couldn't be taxed due to the fact that the previous owner had handed over the wrong V5 document. ;) Looking at a 6 week wait now! We are gutted!
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