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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    Galaxy tdi 02 plate
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  • Region
    South East

Craigledbury's Achievements


Newbie (1/8)



  1. How much would that cost do u know ? And could that of been wrong with it when the garage said it was running on 3 cylinders ?
  2. The smoke was thick white /grey colour really thick coming from exhaust . The garage told me 2 days ago it was running on 3 cylinders but they didn't know why until they had car back into garage. Oil has gone but there was plenty in it before this happened. Thanks . It just won't climb any hill at all and goes 10 mph on straight .
  3. Hi do u still have the turbo for sale ??
  4. Hi we have a galaxy tdi on a 02. We have been told is running on 3 cylinders by the garage as it has no power really. Today coming down motaway and all power gone . Big smoke coming out of exhaust and going about 10 miles per hour. Oil light starts flashing and loads of smoke. Think it might be engine blown . Can anyone please advise me what they think it could be . Thank u very much
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