Thanks for the advice, and please excuse the delay in replying, it has been a busy week or so. As I've not managed to get the door pillar connection off, I've not managed to do any repairs, but I did remove the door end of the gaiter, and can confirm one definite wire broken and one other not far off, as I can see the core wire through the insulation, there may be others, but as I can't get at them cleanly enough I can't confirm. I am curious however, I'm presuming the breaks are caused by the flexing of the wires as the door opens and closes, as I can't see any other reason for it, they don't seem too tightly stretched, there appears to be no corners or edges that the wires can catch on, so it must surely be the fatigue effect of continually bending metal, the fact that the 2 wires are the thickest ones would appear to confirm that. Which leads me then to wonder, if I insert extra sections and solder, how long will a repair last? I'm wondering if fitting spade or the cylinder ends to the wires and having a 'push' connection rather than soldering in a section is more or less likely to fail due to the continual flexing, does anyone have any experience of the different approaches? Both would appear to introduce inflexible lengths whose ends are more likely to suffer stress and fatigue, soldering two, is I add in a section, the connectors one, but possible a bulkier/longer inflexible section. TIA - now off to see if I can find a C spanner, as I'm not sure I'd get a DIY tool working in the same time span.