Posted this in mk1/2 forum by accident earlier. I'd be really grateful for your thoughts on this issue with my wife's Galaxy. I know nothing about engines. On Saturday my wife's 2006 1.8 petrol Galaxy wouldn't start about an hour after she'd last driven it. AA members, so we called them. Patrol came out, had a look, got me to turn over as he sprayed a tiny amount of easy start into I presume air intake and it briefly coughed into life. He then checked fuel line, and gave fuel pump a bang but no joy. Anyway, as part of membership we have repair cover so he towed to Garage. Spoke to guy at garage today. He reckoned it was ecu - 900 quid! Having looked at forums I asked him about relay 30 issue. He didn't have a clue about it but said he'd speak to electrics guy he knew and call me tomorrow. Also he said he'd spoken to someone he knew at local ford dealer who also reckoned it was ecu. I guess my question is does the ecu seem likely? Any thoughts gratefully received. Thanks!