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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    North West

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  1. Hi the thing i am worried about is a head gasket issue. If i take the res. Cap off and let the engine run what would should i see? At the moment there are very small, tight bubbles coming from the resevoir (left hand side, interior) a bit like white pop bottle foam, not a lot but it is worrying me.
  2. Hi i have a 1.9tdi mk2 2003. if the car is run for one hour the water level warning comes on. When i open the resev. cap it bubbles as if sucking in air undrr vaccuum or blowing out air under pressure. The loss is about a pint each time. The oil is clear and there is no evidence of oil in the resev. No white smoke from exhaust or misfires. If i leave the cap off the resev there is movrment and bubbles in the water, some wisps of smoke or steam but unsure. I have had the timing belt and water pump changed (360quid) and it is still happening. Any advice as i am at my wits end having spent 1000 pound since i bought it 3 months ago (crankshaft 550, brake leak 180) not even done 1,000 mile yet!!!!! Thanks
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